I think mine is a tie between Starwars or Warhammer 40k
Star wars because i love the story of how the jedi are all ways trying to be the saviors of the galaxie but most of the times they get turn on by the people they help. Also with all the …
Originally posted by Teganx
What do I read after Paths of Darkness? I cant seem to find a solid answer and I must read things in order. So far I have read:
Dark Elf Trilogy
Icewind Dale
Legacy of the Drow
Paths of Darkness
I am assuming Hunters…
How abought a Zombie mmo or a great mmo would be The Dark Tower base off of stephans kings books there great make a good western setting with some fantasy and sci fi
Give the guy a break so what his moives are not that great there still fun and come on if we had the money we all be making movies abought are favorite games
just play wow that works for most people (bun dam tish)
any ways just eat lots of fatty food but dont just try and get fat eat protien bars then work out that will beef you up
Originally posted by n25philly
Originally posted by Rikimaru_X
I just got a free copy of the game and I was wondering if anybody wants it. I don't feel like putting a Paris Hilton game on my phone. I lose ninja/black cred if I'm caught with it…
i think its going be some where between 200,000-1mil mark the act like swg stay in the mid 300,000-500,000 mark i am really looking forward to this game
i totaly agree if you like the game great play it talk abought it with other players if you hate the game great dont play it dont talk abought personly i like the game i play it for a few months here and there then i take a 2-4month break then i com…