You should stop feel pity for yourself about the time you've waste. Vanilla WoW used to be a great game. However at the moment it suck. Normally I will share a pity for people have a poor life , but in that case I will give you an advice, stop stuck…
Zerat82 said:
not long time ago i bought the game with 3 months eso + subscription than i bought 6000 crowns which I sold for 3 mill ingame gold so I can build a legendary pvp set and use talents following allcast builds. Ofc i used some fan…
Gorwe said:
Why are there dragons in Elsweyr?
It's a long story. You can watch story here.
In case you want to know where stone come from
Lonzo said:
I can not play this beautiful game because of the combat. It doesnt suits me.
play mage and you will see things different xD. Or necromancer, they have best combat animation
Housing system is very impressive. Cansual player community in this game are quite creative
lol. It's never too late to join.
Here is review in case you need
Here is ESO's population data
I think this year June will settle the future of MMORPG. WoW Classic, ESO: Elsweyr, FF14: Shadowbringers. Three Banners War for the throne of MMORPG. I can't wait to see the result.
WoW still king, 2nd ESO, 3rd BDO, 4th FF14. However I think FF14 will become 3rd soon
It's not 100% accurate but we can refer to steam to see the growing of them
ESO the 2nd: - 32k player pick on steam
BDO the 3rd:h…
renky77 said:
gago889 said:
and here is ESO review
ESO is a no-no. It's even hard to call it MMORPG, ya know. Anyway, I …
LOL? deep inside you all know that it'll happen, manything wrong with BDO from the very begining, you guy just let its outstanding graphic fool . A good game is a game have a good graphic but still fun when ppl play it with lowest setting, ask yours…