Well I guess that one billion dollars the game made doesn't stretch very far in this economy. Sad to see such a juggernaut of gaming degrade into such a pathetic dumpster fire of money grubbing fucks.
angerbeaver said:
Is it gonna be much different than GTA V? Have they announced stuff or we might just get a fancier reskinned GTA V
I imagine it will shinier but sadly suspect the brunt of effort will be put into the online portion of …
Angrakhan said:
Several questions come to mind with regard to guild neighborhoods:
1: in the case of guild drama where one or more people leave a guild, can they transfer their house out of the guild neighborhood?
2: Also with guild dram…
Kyleran said:
Adding trillions of planets? To what useful purpose?
All the more real estate to role play being an Interstellar Flying Dutchman I guess.
Chris Roberts is having too fun pretending to be Charles Foster Kane and building his very own Space Xanadu with other peoples money. Thanks I'll pass. And in fact I very much imagine I will pass of old age before a glimmer of a working and coherent…
Its a matter of
The statements of both yes and no are equally correct depending on the circumstances. Some indie developers badly over hype and over promise what their game will deliver. However at the same time there are some desperate impulse …
Tiller said:
Kyleran said:
Dibdabs said:
Hmm, I played SW Galaxies years ago and couldn't see what all the hype was about. I tried it last year on an emulated server, using the disk I'd bought at the time, and honestly I stil…
Ginaz said:
It's funny hearing someone from Blizzard complaining about another company copying ideas for a new game. Dripping with irony and hypocrisy.
What are you blathering about? Does ripping their break out title World of Warcraf…
harken33 said:
elric_of_melnibone said:
Kyleran said:
Vicarious Visions is what the bot thinks they are called.
We all keep joking about this but there has to be something bot/AI related going on here, right? Have any a…
Angrakhan said:
Verizon recently laid off about 4800 in a voluntary separation package deal. I didn't see any headlines or capital letters about it. It's not limited to Blizzard or even the gaming sector. Heck I could go take pictures of the lo…
Sovrath said:
This could very well go wrong. Their are developers who would just keep tinkering, using money, until it was "just right." But then might not sell enough copies to justify the funding.
Some oversight but be had.
But b…
Hyperpsycrow said:
Terazon said:
ESO with a sub
About ESO !
It has been a while since i played it.
So i need to buy at least 3 expansions that DONT come with the ESO+ sub.
Its gona be a 100 EU investment in expansion + 1…
Eldrach said:
I like the idea of grass freezing over, wish more games addes foliage states as well. Wet grass, snow gradually building on ground, trees, roofs, roads etc. Roads becoming muddy, not just texture wise - but harder to traverse.
"Amazon Games' CEO Christoph Hartman opened up a bit about his company's upcoming Lord of the Rings MMO, stating in an interview that the team is still trying to "find the hook" to differentiate it from other games from the IP."
Hoo boy. T…