Yeah that about summed up my dismal experience with this game. Atlas was a huge letdown.
"Before you go all “but it’s early access!” - yes, it is but they charged for it. It isn’t a paid beta and these days early access just means ‘here’s our…
SBFord said:
That's pretty significant. Good for Ubi, though I've already preordered though UPlay.
Not like it matters from a buyer standpoint. Will still have to install that wretched Uplay app on top of Epic.
BillMurphy said:
Because we're using Google Forms and email validation to do this voting to help prevent as much fraud as possible.
You're just saying that because of all the fraud you had to fix last year. ;p At least you learned…
I'm going to stray from my class curiosity for zones a bit.
Does Pantheon have any zones that you would classify as horror themed? Also, what is the most visually stunning zone you have in development that we have yet to see and can you tell us…
Sovrath said:
Thebeasttt said:
Because they should probably make room for someone more creative and/or talented. I seriously hope this person isn't designing all the classes because thats some of the most copy paste gameplay I've ever …
The lesson to be learned is simple but always eludes the suits. If you're going to tackle a genre that is already over-saturated, bring something new to the table. If it's simply a re-skinned version of whatever is popular at the time, you will fail…
PlanetSide 3 is said to be in "early development" with other teams moving over to it. It's said to be a battle royale game with building aspects ala Fortnite.
EverQuest will get one more expack with a special series of events planned for its 20th…
Ashes_Steven said:
Intrepid Studios values honesty and integrity and are happy to see the same values from Our philosophy of honesty, integrity and a no P2W environment with a fully transparent development window are core principle…
Theocritus said:
I dont know about pantheon...The shots I have seen of it look dated already, and I dont think a group based game is going to fly all that well in 2018 (or whatever year it releases)..... The masses want the easy solo play now a…
Nizamuhdeen said:
ASHES OF CREATION. Everything else is just trash on this list
I'm on board with Pantheon but I will also try AoC. That said:
You set that up too perfect.
Phry said:
Vorthanion said:
Sick of pvp and arcade style gameplay. Pantheon's pve focus on slower paced coop gameplay suits me nicely.
Not sure that describes Pantheon all that well, its more often described as being hard core …
Grats to Pantheon. That was a hefty cut.
@Aori And it''s cool that you don't care for Pantheon bud. I'm just happy to see gaming in this genre offering some varying choices again. The recent cadre of MMORPGs are in large part twitch-based combat sy…