Really good article and when he wrote about class independence of role it started me thinking. What about having each class be able to do all three roles of the triniity based on what skills are chosen. For example as a priestess I can be a healer…
Ditto what a lot of people said.
1) The quests being almost exactly the same for all of the alts. No race quests to break up the monotony.
2) PvP. I'm more of a PvE player but for me, there was no PvP. Instead it was just a bunch of mindless m…
What Bioware is doing now shows the inherent contradiction in SWTOR. So much focus is put on the class storyline but most of the game is grinding the same quests alt after alt (because why wouldn't you play out all 8 storylines?), ridiculous PvP ar…
I agree with the OP that there was just a feeling that things didn't fit. First of all, the storyline makes more sense if you put it 200 years AFTER Star Wars and not before as everyone is running around trying to fill the Jedi/Sith vacuum left aft…
Any of you that have read my posts know that I bemoan the loss of the professional healer. I will probably get the game eventually to see if I can make the transition from "healer" to "support". Probably as a water elementist. I'd know mace/focus…
Originally posted by FrodoFragins
Having one name unique over all servers is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of in an MMO.
Are you serious? So if someone chose "Ellie" on one server it is unavailable on ALL the servers?
GW2 has tried to move the MMO to the next level. No monthly fees, dynamic character building, great graphics, established IP, complete story lines, etc. Now other MMOs have done this before - like Rift and the three soul trees to build your charac…
Originally posted by Wickedjelly Originally posted by Atlan99 I think rumors of the trinity's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
It isn't as prevalent as in other games but it is still present in this game. Hell, I had to switch to…
Professional healer here.
I favor getting rid of the trinity because I was tired of being the squishy priestess that couldn't solo . The problem I have with the trend to get rid of the pure healer build to switch to. I haven't played GW2 yet so m…
I gotta agree with Zylaxx. I've had the most fun playing the MMOs where a lot of the time was spend on class and race quests. Now-a-days it's almost a waste to play more than one character as 95+% of the game are the exact same quests. It's like …
I played with a friend during beta and I can tell you why I never got the game.
1) Graphics. Had the faint hint of unreality and looked 2-3 years out of date. All of the characters looked like they were zonked out on prozac. Unfocused stare.…