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First and (likely) only MMO I''ll play is LOTRO! Can''t see myself ever leaving.


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  • Once again a hearty congratulations to LOTRO and Turbine. I've enjoyed this game since I've first logged in. Also thank-you to the Tolkien Estate for lending the licence. If this game did not exist, I would never have discovered the joy of MMO's! …
  • Originally posted by Cabe2323 Originally posted by Gameloading It's clear that you're struggling to find reasons to pick Lotro over WoW as they can be summed up in 3 aspects: 1: Graphics 2: Community 3: Storyline 1: Graphics is hardly an arg…
  • Yay, Mines of Moria, well deserved! I play for the community, beautiful game design and vistas, fun class gameplay and the epic story.  A few things need to be tweaked. Like a seperate holding bag for you extra legendaries. But for the most part I h…
  • Originally posted by Wagrof People are coming back because they see that lotro keeps on delivering. After over a year of gametime i bought my lifetime sub. this week, because turbine/codemaster have proven their competence with the last patches a…
  • Just any case someone doesn't know as well. If you type /playlist  all the songs in that music folder will be listed in the text window. Then you can just copy/paste the file you want add in the extension .abc and voila!   Love the music system,…
  • I have just fallen in love with this game all over again. I wanted to finish Vol 1 before I started Vol 2, but I couldn't resist (plus wiping on the end instance for Bk 15 three  times helped with that decision). Wow o wow, is Moria a sight to behol…