Originally posted by Bladin
This is a honest non troll topic. People ask for.
1. No levels or gear.
2. PvP all the time
3. No important PvE
4. No classes.
Well... isn't that a FPS? Don't use the excuse of "but the community" Play fps games, suc…
Originally posted by cataphracht
There's just so much choices in the mmo world today, with darkfall and Aion coming out soon I'm just not sure which one to get
Darkfall is a pile of overhyped played out junk waiting to let down all the gullibl…
Originally posted by megafluxmega
Originally posted by miscbattles
ya it looks good..
Why are Asians such perverts? All their games have females that look like 12 year old hookers.
can you really tell the diff. between a 12 year old asia…
Originally posted by Smilex0311
Sadly, we wont truly know until this game is released.
I already know. It's beyond obvious. This thing has DnL 2.0 written all over it.
This will fail for many other reasons besides just bad marketing.
Like choking on what they bit off and couldn't deliver..
I don't think I can think of one feature that this thing didn't promise to have.... other than flying mounts maybe..
Originally posted by Elikal
Some may tell me I am burned out. Who knows, but truth me told: I rather think its the MMOs who are burned out. What we have seen in the last roughly 2 years of MMORPG development is an unparalleld spiral downwards. Ev…
Originally posted by jeffg316
I am trying to figure out what to play. WoW or Warhammer.
I just got done with a 10 day trial and liked WoW, but heard PvP sux on wow.
I have heard pvp is good on warhammer. How is the PVE experience?
Is it worth it…
Originally posted by Herithius
Games always run better on peoples imaginations than they do in reality and thats one big thing Darkfall has going for it.
Also, its hard enough for a game to reach 150K+ subscribers when its available to buy in all v…
WoW cost 40-50 million dollars to make. Making a woW clone isn't a smart move. Why would anyone play your wow clone when they can play WoW with all of it's new expansions?
Originally posted by JestorRodo
WoW , I did not know that Free Realms was copied from Runscape . Not suprised , ever since WoW , SOE has thrown out of its own creativity book for a copy book.
It's true. If you look at WoW for example --- there…
Actually I haven't played WoW for close to a year. And I am more than sure you've played it yourself.. so? Does that make you some kind of phony Darkfall supporter or something? I won't tell your dirty little secret don't worry.
I don't ge…
Originally posted by originalegg
Cya in game miscbatlles. And im glad you are getting your rocks off by flame baiting peope and reporting them. I saw you got that guys post modded and removed in another thread....must feel real proud.
Not su…