First of all nice guide!!
I did everything exactly as shown but i have a problem the game wont load it crashes as soon as it's loading and says "Achieved with Cryengine 3" that's when it closes!! I've ran it a few times differently, i…
I gree with Zezda not all dungeon are easy, you said you got your chracters up to 20 to 25 that still not enought to explore everything!!
my highest lvl is 45 Ranger and their is elite mode in dungeon!! did you even fight the giants spider or defe…
never seen a thread go these fast its like a rocket still waiting for a beta key.
got the home page ready to enter a beta key so will send any extra key's out once i enter mine
Its not 70% its more like 80% most of the guild are not playing anymore but im still doing my job and testing in vanguard. Seem more and more players are leaving couse its feeling more like everquest I. That's the path their heading now, we dont lik…
Now these was a good read
It think it hit a nerve on me and a few other. Without breaking NDA, One beta game im testing i posted it on the Beta forum just to realize i was the fifth one!! But it didint stop their as soon as i hit refresh 4 other …
been playing these game for a month now and they dont tell us anything just do these do that but im still having fun the weather enviromnet is just amazing.
So your saying to go Horizons just becouse it has the 7 day trail
well im one of the unlucky one i bought it and let me tell u it get old fast
im a lvl 88 ranger only becouse my real life friend played it and got power lvl ed all the way up aft…
lol even tho i didnt get picked i still get in, my sister's husband work's their he said dont worry your in no matter what happen's
see you guy's in game when beta start ))