Death penalties are a must in any MMO. I have played alot of diffrent games with very high DPs (chance of dropping item for others to pick up) to some that make it kind of a habit to put your nose in the dirt every half an hour. Or even like Star…
I find it quite intresting to see a post giving advice - without talking about actual WORK. Best way to stay healthy is actually to have a balanced life where you not only eat healthy - drink healthy and get a good sleep. The most important thing…
Originally posted by Marcus-
Originally posted by Frobner
Originally posted by Zholz
I personally would not play a 100% PvE game, I do however know lots of people who would. I find PvP to be like a sports game. although they are the same game…
Originally posted by Marcus-
Originally posted by Dkompoze
Originally posted by Marcus-
Originally posted by Dkompoze
Most of what you say about WAR is old news, and most of the things your crying over have changed-- where have you been----…
Originally posted by Maleus666
Who cares? All the players of this game. And if you think this game is dead, sorry, but you are wrong. If u are a Wow or Faion fanboy, jjust be quiet and go play your game. U can do much better for the world ke…
Im not gonna doubt one word that was said in that wall of text. I just got the shorter version.
WAR has alot of technical issues and a very limited team working on the game now. There is no future content patches coming in - In other words the g…
Originally posted by Zholz
I personally would not play a 100% PvE game, I do however know lots of people who would. I find PvP to be like a sports game. although they are the same game, with the same rules and possibly the same players, the resul…
The job of a CM is never easier or harder than the product he is working with. The thing is - when it comes to MMOs, that means CMs need to work overtime since very rarely do the games actually deliver in what the gamers are after (or more than not…
Originally posted by Anubisan
Originally posted by tfbunny
I'd like to see an MMO with the pvp system based on the monsters you fight. If I have like 20 minutes to play its not really enough to advance my character, but I could always log in t…
I would love to see a PVE only game - simply because then the abilites of the chacters can be tuned in totally diffrent ways than what they are now.
I think we will see a huge MMORPG PVE only game beeing released in the next 3-4 years. It will b…
And still MMORPG.COM goes on about Funcom. How much exactly are they paying this website ?
Funcom is the biggest failure of MMO developer ever. THey have launched two games that both came out buggy and half finished and then they used the hype …
Originally posted by Votan
As with the Public Quest in Warhammer it was the drastic over use and cut and paste game play that turned an interesting idea into just a meh by the time you got half way through tier 2. The gamers that are "sick" of t…
The fact is that WOW has the abilty to create huge varieties of quests. They can fly - use diffrent mounts - veicles - in other word do billion diffrent quests that are never the same. No other game can do that atm (maybe Vanguard but since its in…
To be honest - maybe MMOs should not be judged on a raiting system ?
Maybe it should be based on:
Pros -
Cons -
Personal preference -
Subject to further testing - updates and fixing. -
I think the MMORPG.COM reviews could do with some of …
Originally posted by Trueforral1
I think the biggest problem with Metacritic, or the whole result of using numbers from various reviews and adding them together for an average score, is that niche games tend to simply dissapear among the countles…
I went back to see what MC choose for the best games of 2009. The highest PC MMORPG game on the list was EVE - Apocrypha. I see nothing wrong with that review tbh.
We MMO gamers think we know how games should be. The thing is - in many cases M…
I kinda find it amusing to see a reporter talking about strange review scores. Specially talking about "exclusive" things when a game like AOC has been dominating reports for weeks. 3 reports on improvements in 2009 ? How …
Originally posted by Matticus75
All I see now really is rather simple, MMOs have a "WoW Formula" that they go by, thus allowing more MMO companies to start on a low budget with low man power, Doing anyhitng in depth or original is a waste of their …
The thing is... It hasn't changed that much. Most MMOs are STILL facing the same technical issues they had 5-8 years ago. Most MMOs are released half done and many dont really have the funds or the tech to acomplish what was promised. Lets take M…