Originally posted by thebigchin11 First of all I want to say that Mono's comment is as valid as anyone elses. In fact I find it objectionable that people would see fit to try to silence his comment. That said, Rift is a time filler until better MM…
Originally posted by Zeppelin5083 I will not be posting in threads that contain the subject of:
- This will be edited every time something else comes up that has been discussed already at great length in multiple threads.
Originally posted by Lienhart I wonder when companies will realize this.
RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us …
having played both, I enjoy Aion more so than AoC, both are compelling for different reasons, but AION seems to be my choice for #2 game, #1 being Rift.
Originally posted by Gyrus None of you have been paying attention.
The WoW 'killer' WAS Farm Town on Facebook.
Already happened.
(oh and before you argue that it does not qualify as an MMO - check the MMOs MMORPG.com lists. Travian? …
Originally posted by Painbringer The only 100% true WoW killer is Blizard Entertainment itself.
If Bliz pulls the plug, or goes under, then and only then can WoW meet the true death.
I agree WoW will kill Wow, they certainly are on there way.
Originally posted by silverreign i love this game. yes, its alot like another game and i too would love to see housing of some sort. but again, the game has been out mainstream for around a month so you have to be patient. no mmo has had what this g…
Originally posted by Cecropia
Originally posted by Alot
I wonder why Rift fanboys even spend time on these forums if they are enjoying Rift so much, and why are they not present at the official Rift forums? Is the community there too "pleasan…
Originally posted by Reizlanzer So I've been playing MMORPG games since 1999, and back then it was EQ or bust. The only things to do in EQ were to level, or maintain your max level for raids. Back then, there were very few quests in the sense of tod…
Originally posted by snoocky I feel the same as you do, every mmorpg old and new get me bored pretty fast...
They must invent a new sort of mmorpg, i mean i bought Rift, got high hopes, and one month later, guess what?
I am bored!!!! Kill xxx th…
Originally posted by MisterSr
Congratulations! Your world of Warcraft account to receive compensation.This is Blizzard Entertainment's apology
We acknowledge a mistake, for you to lose the World of Warcraft account in order to recover…
Originally posted by jonesing22 You know.....whats funny about this game is...if you have a life, and have to go do things in real life on a daily basis. family fun/work/etc..etc..It doesn't become boring, at least, it hasn't for me. Most of you pr…