It is the same for the PC, although not as bad as for the PS3. The chat is still disappointing but the gameplay is a lot of fun. I know they are trying hard considering the amount of people logging in.
This should be interesting. I'm waiting to see the powers list as well, and I am growing a bit concerned about the lack of info. when it is releasing in a few months.
I am hoping this is going to be the title that I think it can be. I agree with the choice to be a Captain of your own ship. The customization idea is also brilliant. Good article, if a bit one sided. There are some potential issues here, which I am …
I have been thinking about dropping in again and playing.
I was part of the Beta but never bought a membership after it was over. I do love LoTRs though...
Very good point.
I agree 100 percent. It is too bad actually, because I think it could have been something great.
I think that the Tabletop RPing games may be going out, slowly but surely. It is too bad though. I love the social interaction that…
I heard that too Korhindi. There seems to be a lot of stuff happening at Wizards of the Coast, including a few layoffs that made me raise my eyebrowin my perfect Spock impression. I hope this doesn't mean what I think it does.
I like to think posi…
What got me started...
Well, I am an old Red Book/Blue Book original D&D player, and even tried out Tunnels and Trolls ages ago. Seriously.
Those were good it's the good old Xbox 360 and Gears 2 baby!
You have some interesting ideas there, that is for sure. I like your ideas for Alignments. I have always felt that they were unwieldy in D&D and I like how most other games out there have done away with them. I think you should just role play yo…
If you go to the Wizards of the Coast Website, they have some details on the new online tools. If you sign up for their online magazine, you will be able to access the Character Builder Online Tool Beta version. It is pretty sweet! Good for levels …