Houston, I think we have an issue of linguistic misinterpretation here. Let me give you a little crash course in "Ryzom Language 101" before we get all mistakenly labeled as homophobic intolerants.
Flamer : Someone who criticizes the game negative…
The game was free to play because the new owners wanted to test if the game and servers thy had just bought were working properly... then they had legal issues when it came to put the billing back in place... some missing paperwork, it seems. So the…
Originally posted by ClaudeFR
The character customization is limited, there are many look alikes.
But since you can get new haircuts and tatoos on the mainland, it's also very possible to look very unique. In 2 or 3 years on Atys, I've on…
Well, if it's just a naming issue...
Matis people are frail, pale, they live in the trees...literally IN the forest trees. Their haircuts look a bit elfic with lots of braids, sometimes. Even the males look somewhat feminine... the resemblance wi…
In fact, that's only the first part of the lair : there's more to come ! And it's already pretty hard and surprising, with some Kitins acting differently than from how they would act outside the hive.
I also thought that the guards' random chatte…
However, if you are a harvester and a crafter, you'll find that dappers come in quick enough. You can also get them by selling the materials you don't need from whatever you quartered on the mobs you killed to any NPC merchant. If you gather a large…
The more time I spend on Atys, the more I think it isn't a game for hardcore PvPers. PvP DOES happen, like once in a while, but it's more like an event than a regular happening. Methinks too much stability does no good to the game. We need another …
Ignorant and stubborn, will never understand. Doesn't play the game and pretends he knows what is best for it... Doesn't admit that his "miracle solution" has been tried and failed for various good reasons... Just feed him to Raj and be over with i…
Don't bother answering to Redwoodsap. Nor reading his posts, really. He's just a troll that keeps repeating the same thing over and over... and over again, everytime he gets a chance. It's not the first time he does it. And he will never understand …
I feel the same and already had my aggressive rant about people leaving because of low population, only making it worse. But the worst of the worst are the people who try to discourage other people from trying or playing it because the population do…
Sometimes I answer rez calls from the other end of Atys. I just port over and try to get to the corpse in time, for the heck or the challenge of it. Of course, if the person is on Silan, I can't do squat. Once you cross over, you can't go back. It's…
Also, some of the capitals are much more active than others... fairhaven is probably the most populated, while Pyr comes second or even third and Zora... is pretty much a ghost city most of the time because not many players chose to be blue... it al…
The lower population never bothered me. It's what makes Ryzom community the way it is. I don't think it would be the same if the servers had thousands upon thousands of players, I don't think people would be that friendly and helpful if the survival…
There is "awesome gear" with great stats but it still decays until it breaks, it's harder to get than regular grind gear, so people generally reserve it for PvP, but the method to obtain it is very different than other MMOs. 99% of the gear is playe…
We can only hope that new patches and events will bring even more people ! (and the event is awesome, so don't complain about the Kitins of the Depths, please !)
What I like doing most is helping people, really. Either by answering their questions on Universe channel, or by crafting them jewels, feeding them my overload of catalysers (Experience Doubling crystals, also known as cats, crack, or drugs), healin…
This game relies so heavily on player interaction, wether you want to find a crafter that can make THE piece of gear you need or which guild owns which outposts so you can trade them for shiny goodies. Is it soloable ? Yes, very challenging but doab…
I strongly suggest you talk to Sweetmarie, Marelli, Suibom or Olepi, ifyou manage to catch them ingame, since they are quite knowledgeable when it comes to the Ring.
You MIGHT see people speaking Portuguese or Spanish once in a while. But it doesn't happen too often and those people quickly move to a more private chat when they found someone to talk to in their own language.
For the rest, it's all english, re…