Originally posted by Praetalus What you have is a bunch of folks taking out their anger that they can't log on and play a video game. It's mass temper tantrums. I deal with this stuff all the time with my 6 y/o. Give it time.. it will pass.
Originally posted by shenfrey Originally posted by Syno23
Why would you buy FFXIV 1.0? Man, that game is completely,,,,let's just say it's completely turned off.
Because back when I bought it, 1.0 was the only version around.
I have some ba…
Originally posted by Doogiehowser Originally posted by Muke
OP should have preordered and experienced the infamous Vanguard Launch.
Vanguard was 9 years ago. Shouldn't things be getting better by now? players need to stop giving free pass to …
Originally posted by keinersonerster
There's nothing "next gen" about this game. This one is classic theme park with a few options on level path dropped in for variety. The worst launch I ever experienced was with AO years ago.
Not even the grap…
Originally posted by Kyleran
Not playing this game but when Aion launched I literally could not log in on any server due to long queues for over 2 Weeks so how did that compare to this?
They're both pretty bad, I do remember Aion's horrible launch.
MMOs just do not launch correctly. I mean yeah, SW:TOR had the perfect launch, with sacrifices that pissed people off called waves. Guild Wars 2's launch was pretty much flawless. But that's because those people knew what they were doing.
Originally posted by Ehllfhire Originally posted by Raxeon Originally posted by Ehllfhire Going to be WAY worse tomorrow:
After the emergency maintenance on Aug. 25, 2013 at 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., to confirm the optimization of the matchi…
Originally posted by TheRealDarkeus
I have been enjoying myself. That counts for something.
That's the one thing that matters man. Enjoying yourself and knowing that this is the game for you.
Originally posted by Raxeon Originally posted by Syno23 Originally posted by Boraell Originally posted by Sho0terMcgavin
I purchased from squares site a couple hours ago. I got my confirmation e-mail and confirmation on my bonus item…