This is game is awesome! Been a long time since i found a game so cool i Finnaly found smth to play b4 TERA is out in EU.
Made a toon today, Heartlezz, lv21 Minstrel going siren on Raven server, add if u need an epic heal in the future
Well i've been playin since launch, and i can say the game server population is awesome, i'm right now at perento(EU), and i can tell you. You want a party? you get it in like 10mins a group for whatever you wish for whatever reason you like, theres…
As usual, every1 thinks portuguese is Brazillian, this is giving the creeps to us portuguese people, they should not say that nos is in Portuguese , but in brazillian, because it's very difrent languages....
Portugal Discovered Brasil and gave…
Comparing Dog Poop with a palace is way to much of a difrence...
Tera combat system looks actually very fun to play, i bet i won't get bored of the grind, since i actually have to aim at the stuff i'm kiling instead of just click and more clic…
Well, you should just try the game instead of asking if it's good in a trolland forum .
Half of the negative answeres u get is from haters that prolly didn't even play the game or played it just a bit to get to the conclusion that it's actuall…
Man i keep thinking of it xD Theres also something awesome about this MMO.
Theres 4 Teams, so don't forget we would allways be competing against the oposing 'factions'.
Man i can't wait for this *.*
No kidding, this has been my dream ever since i knew about mmo existence and HP existence
Omg going to magic lessons for real in an online worl, thats perfect. I just fear the end game content, but non the less, there could be so many places …
Originally posted by lynxie
Originally posted by neysuishere
Will FFXIV suck as horribly as FFXIII does ?
I am disgusted at how bad FFXIII is ... to the point of returning it after around 15hours of gameplay.
Biggest waste of…
I'm not here to flame or anything, i haven't even tried this game...
But guys i think alpha is a like a step before CBT, normaly theres no AT because its a stage where should not be shown to public yet... but that's what i think, i'm not sure tho.
Originally posted by Calintz333
Originally posted by Sudowoodoo
1) Its the number 2 mmo in the world already in terms of subscriptions
Ok but it means nothing Thats correct
2) Its making innovations while other mmos stagnate and become repeti…
Btw, Aion has some places where you have to jump) Not allway but you have, example: Steel Rake Middle, theres the bit we call Super Mario/Lara croft coz you have to jump several platforms to get to next room :P
Also, theo lab theres a place that …
Lol keep ur cents, i rather don't see exploits, and anyway you know, i know, no1 here is ignorant enough to not know that no matter how hard they try there will allways be exploits due to the fact of jumping....
Agree with the guy above me In aion to go to some places wich would required like 3hrs to accomplish with a good group , if u got good knowledge of the maps exploits ud do it in less then an hour.
Aion has a nice map exploit on the very begining…
Well i loved jumping in Aion, specially at end game, i used to make a lot of Parkour in Heiron Town LOLOL.
But oh well, aion you can fly, no jump would be nonsense ehe, i played L2 for 4 years...and i never felt like jumping :>
Other thing,…
What u actually mean is... ALL games from Perfect World Entertainment Look exactly the same)) Only some minor changes...
But indeed ether saga and this looks the same lol, their idea of makin money is weird.
This is ether saga without the poke…
Who cares about mini fighter, make haste and realease Prius Online at least That yes is a heck of a nice game, PLUS, YS online looks promising, we all know the old EU YS Online was a fail, but KTP was also a huge fail, so i got some nice expectatio…
What's so bad about gold spammers? well lately theres nothing on chat anymore since the ban hammer, only on towns doing private shops,...but tbh
If you can't f*cking stand playin with those.
Then you shud f*cking comit suicide.
Compare does…
Originally posted by dar_es_balat
Originally posted by resinapt
Indeed you can. Shut The F*ck up!
LOL! I bet you were also a supporter of Age of Conan.
"Oooh this games gonna be so great"
*fast forward 1 year*
"This game suck…