I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that a more DnD style of play would be a lot more fun in an MMO. The problems you would run into are numerous but not impossible.
For instance players would have to be extremely mobile and not have so many cas…
Originally posted by Vendegaar
Originally posted by ghostofspuds
Originally posted by Vendegaar
I have TWO accounts on WOW - MY personal account and a memorial account in honor of my late MURDERED wife (TRUE STORY.)
All toons on my accounts are…
Originally posted by Vendegaar
I have TWO accounts on WOW - MY personal account and a memorial account in honor of my late MURDERED wife (TRUE STORY.)
All toons on my accounts are male - on my wife's account all toons are female.
I DO have a proble…
Although the OP here is a bit naive for asking something as silly as that, i think the discussion has been at least entertaining. Cleffy my friend thats a bold statement to say the least but i think its at the very least plausible. Btw idk what ada…
Cops are bullies with badges and guns. While yes there are some good cops out there many are just the jocks and assholes from highschool not smart or talented enough to make daddy proud as an athelete or high paid white collar worker. My girlfriend…
Enigma intersting that you used to be a cop... Makes your opinion in the matter so skewed and distorted that it is almost useless. Just protecting the good name of the police, although in your defense the police have no good name to defend. Cops are…
If you truely believe that there was no coercion on the part of the police then you are an ignoramous of epic proportions. Corruption runs so rampant through modern law enforcement it is sickening. Cops are nothing more than bullies with guns and wa…
Originally posted by BushMonkey
I swear greed and stupidity will be the death of us all.
Especially considering the staggering ratio of greedy stupid people to those who are less avaricous and superficial. There are so many people so wrapped u…
I definentally think that some people worry about it too much and it seems to me that if you go into a game thinking that it will suck then it very often will to you. Same goes for being a purist to the old ways, i mean seriously tone down the retro…
Wow not gonna lie when i started this thread i pretty much expected it to be dismissed by most all or just trashed down, but there has actually been some fairly well informed debate save for the occasional person just ranting and raving. Thanks to a…
Ya i posted once before and since have been loggin lots of hours into Oblivion again (started a new stealth guy), and idk how you could really be bored with that game unless you have put some really really serious time into it. Ya i get down on it s…
i really dont know what you are talking about with city of heroes... that game really didnt have all that great of well... anything imo. But i guess to each his own. And as far as the crafting went i thought the system was just really severly lackin…
Well stated sinsa... I definentally agree with what you have to say and you basically hit on what i wanted to ask here. Now i realize that nobody having the same crap is nigh unto impossible so im over it, but i just want to see enough stuff (balanc…
Alright now in response to the statement that being the president isnt the easiet job in the world: Duh... But is it not unreasonable to expect that the man that we elect to office would have the fortitude of personality and strength of character to…
BushMonkey: Well stated is about all i have to say. Your points are very valid and mostly cogent. Although i do disagree with the point about saving americans lives in the long run by continuing war in Iraq and if McCain is elected most of the world…
Wow lol Bush look like TR... Wow ummm... No is about all i can say to that one man. Carter was probably in the bottom five but to make bush look like one of the top five, now that is overstepping boundries. Foolish statements by foolish people, noth…
Originally posted by BushMonkey
I am curious, what has to be done? Just asking for your honest opinion on the matter? How do you see it.
OK now i admittedly dont have all the answers, probably dont have many answers at all, but as …
Ya Carter was no angel but Bush is by far an inferior president. Especially when he follows up someone as awesome as Clinton (If anyone reads this it should get exciting), granted Clinton wasnt perfect. But for the most part if you ask someone about…
If asking that of todays gamemakers is alot than that is truely sad. Although worry not the eloquent sarcasm is not wasted on me. But seriously is it too much to ask for some serious depth and content lol?
Bleeding Heart Liberal eh? No not so much as just a person with a decent brain in my head. I rarely go for the good of the world causes and in fact i hate welfare, but that doesnt mean i automatically am a warhawk looking to go kill everyone that lo…