Originally posted by peteski123 I would not spend too much so your best bet is ebay, maybe somehting like this
Originally posted by peteski123 well firstly they can easily be clocked with stock cooler to aaround 2.8 - 3gig
failing that it depends on the board, what can it take a quad?
what do you mean clocked with stock cooler around 2.8 - 3gig?
Originally posted by Ridelynn The video card is fine.
The RAM you have picked out is DDR3. You likely need DDR2 RAM for your current motherboard. Try something like this
Same brand as you had picked out, I have no experience with them however (I…
is my above post okay? do those parts sound good for my problem? if any of you guys could get back to me that'd be great, I'm really anxious to order these parts !
I'm gonna go for this video card, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125348&cm_re=radeon_hd_6850-_-14-125-348-_-Product
and this RAM to upgrade my current RAM. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E168201612…
I've decided to get a new video card and new ram. I believe my motherboard only has 3 slots total, so I'm going to scrap my current two 1gig sticks of RAM for two 2gig sticks.
For the video card, I'm going to go for the GTX 460 1gig.
I checked ne…
So what I got from this is that if I switch to my older monitor, (its still really nice, but it works with 1280x1024) My framerates will be better.
Right now im running from a 1920x1200, so I could switch, it wouldnt be the end of the world.
Originally posted by noquarter
Originally posted by eagles12555
Okay thanks for all the help guys
I guess I'm gonna go for the 4 gigs of ram first. Right now i have Two 1 gig sticks of ram.
Anyone have any suggestions for the ra…
Okay thanks for all the help guys
I guess I'm gonna go for the 4 gigs of ram first. Right now i have Two 1 gig sticks of ram.
Anyone have any suggestions for the ram? like a link or something ?
My limit is roughly 150 dollars. What would my money be best spent on? When I played Red Faction Guerrilla, my computer would get extremely choppy when I blew up a building. I mean borderline unplayable. What can I do to get games running smoothly.
Originally posted by Axehilt
A good leveling process is one which focuses on the gameplay activities you enjoy.
For me, that would be:
Reward structure tilted towards grouping. So solo is viable, but slightly slower than grouping. So group…
i've wanted to see a nice wildwest mmo for such a long time. it would be amazing, playing on a map like the early united states. Open plains where you could make a home or farm or big villages where you could work as a group with your friends. serio…