Originally posted by superconducting Originally posted by Loke666 Originally posted by nuttob
Yes there is no RIP Landmark or EQN, sorry to disappoint the naysayers! Can't wait for this update!
Well, lets not celebrate too early but this…
Originally posted by LisaFlexy22 Originally posted by CazNeerg Originally posted by LisaFlexy22 And before you yell "wow did it too!", let me say 2 wrongs don't make a right.
Just wanted to point out, this isn't an issue of right and w…
Originally posted by Kopogero Originally posted by Viduus
I'd rather not play with Russian and Brazillian 12-year-olds.
But that's the thing. No one is forcing you to. Us the players decide with what type of community to be involved. It has no…
Originally posted by Vutar
F2P is the way of the future. Isn't it awesome? Being nickle and dimed to death is wonderful. So much better than those crazy sub games that just include all that stuff for a flat fee.
The funny thing is most peo…
Originally posted by Ender4 I personally do not believe for even 1 second that you could use Landmark to build EQN. That is marketing talk at play and not likely to be a reality. Landmark will allow you to build your own worlds but they won't be as …
Originally posted by adamch29
With all the emphasis that SOE has put on Landmark it makes me think that they are putting off EQ Next. At the very least Landmark may push back release of EQ Next by months if not years. I may just be paranoid or unin…
For me the death of the subscription model means the death of the MMO. I like their explanation on why they went with the subscription model. I hate the fact that my gaming experience revolves around deciding what features to pay or not to pay for…
Originally posted by Jedau
Sometimes i think these guys keep making smaller studios only to sell out to EA a few years later for a quick profit leaving gamers left with the Devil (EA)
I think the majority of businesses are ran that way in al…
Originally posted by Sajman01
It's all about sheeps and wolves. The sheeps won't play a game that has wolves and wolves won't play a game without sheep. How does one build a game for both?
DAOC was a good game for this. For its time.
Ya I would put SWTOR up there as well. The group content is pretty good but the solo class/world questlines are it's bread and butter. If no SWTOR, then I would next try EQ2.
You people who are ragging on others who bought a founders pack and state that that those people are "ignorant" and "foolish" for spending money while yourself will be playing for free, should probably be best served by shutting up. Its people like…
Originally posted by Tissmogi
You are doing 100% of the work creating content, you get 40% of the sales.
SOE does 0% of the work and gets 60% of the sales.
Are you really saying this is fair?
ANY other real money auction house where you se…
Sorry folks but F2P isn't F2P. Everybody so quick to not want to pay for a product then turnaround and want to bash companies for trying to make any kind of money. You cannot have things for free end of story. if you dont pay for it with cash, yo…
I hate to say it, but 99% of what we spend money and time on is pretty much a "waste". How we choose to live our lives is only good or bad to the person who is living that life. So playing video games is no different than pretty much any other act…
Originally posted by ReallyNow10 Originally posted by Foomerang
Originally posted by ReallyNow10
A Round Table is only round if you're sitting at it.
hahaha! wat?!
The concept of the "Round Table" is the knights can …
They are listening. But not in the way they advertise. Which is a good thing. They are looking at everyone's opinions and might spring up some good ideas. Think of it as a giant "think tank".
But if you believe, or even want, them to use round …
Originally posted by GimiZigi
It is not a game breaker for me but it is unfortunate news because it reveals (for me) what SOE's true focus is which is money and not the players. If they were truly listening to the players then they would of stuck w…