I hear ya Dewm, no one plays for fun anymore. It's like everyone forgot how to have fun or they're allergic to it now.
I wish I were still playing with my [horehouse](yes) mates, they defined fun for me from the start and I always kept that in my …
Increasing the rewards for groups won't help and making group oriented content won't help either.
Making a shitload of niche games so everyone can go to there own corner of the industry only to find out that your game is boring as hell because your…
Originally posted by Sah-aum
Battleships ONLINE?
That's way to advanced for me, but thank you lol.
@Lansid I've been going through my "nostalgia" collection as of late and can't take anymore of it to be honest.
I enjoyed reading what you had to say OP, I really felt where you were coming from.
Redcap036, Beatnik59, and Klapdoor among others, thank you for the good reads.
I've been soloing alot in the last 6 months of gaming and it's not because I suck…
Originally posted by whisperwynd
Originally posted by Bladin
the thing simply is.
People play mmos for fun, not to make friends.
And war is new and people want to learn it and play it. They don't really care about winning or making a community…
Originally posted by FatalFX
Originally posted by _Shadowmage
What you didnt mention is if Crusader is a single server game (Eve, Guildwars) where all the players can interact, or seperate shards/servers (WOW, AOC, Vanguard, WAR). If you h…
Originally posted by neonwire
Originally posted by PreCU
full pvp? Where's that leave us strict pve'ers?
It leaves you with lots of other boring themepark games to play.
You can play against the computer in any single player game. Most…
Originally posted by Waterlily
Originally posted by Boreil
In a level based game if you skip the leveling you skip the whole game , 1- max level is the game , the main beef of the game , the end game is just that ,the end so skipping to then w…
Originally posted by HBlite
Originally posted by rikilii
Originally posted by FreddyNoNose
I am the only person who is sick of hearing the hype from darkfall fanbois (AkA: darkfellows). Can't you darkfellows keep your darkfall post on the…
Originally posted by firefly2003
If so many people are scared of PVP in MMOs why are you playing? There are plenty of signle player games out thier to suit your needs.. the MMO industry has grown with whiny , carebears out there.. go back to play…
Ya know, graphics for me has always been #3 or #4 on my list of what I enjoy the most.
But I have to say that even though Ryzom's graphics are a bit old, they are still great. With the combination of beautiful scenery, huge landscapes and some wei…
Originally posted by dlooney
The thing that made me smile was right from the beginning i had people healing me as they walked by without having to be asked. Also i had not 1 not 2 but 3 people help me out give me good equipment and and money to …
The people defending DRM really deserve a bat in the face, seriously.
Some of you don't really seem to get the picture. They won't stop and it will continue to get worse unless gamers start speaking up about this BS.
You settle for BS, that's wh…
I always wanted to give Koreans MMO's a try but they always screw up my system, and my system is my baby. They either can't be uninstalled the traditional way or HUGE memory leaks.
Poor programming, poor translation, and a big "Come Hack me" doesn…
I am a jumper, I know this. TFC started it and it ended with that crazy jumping orc hunter in wow who you thought was dead but got right back up to kill three of you stinking allies.
I don't care if Ryzom doesn't have jumping because well, jumping…
I agree OP, I installed Ryzom a week ago and it's still blowing my mind. The community is what really gets me but the freedom to do whatever whenever is awesome.
I have not had this kind of fun like running with groupies from a serious wipe from 8…
I just wanted to chime in on this discussion to add my .5 cent.
I don't know how I never heard of this game in my 15+ years of gaming but I must say it's absolutely awesome.
Not because of the things to do or how sandbox it is, but the community…
I feel like on one hand you have the few bubbleheads that cause the problems and do so because well, everyone feels like they can't do anyhting about it. And on the other hand you have the ones that are reading the stupid things these bubbleheads ar…