something tells me World of Warcraft the motion picture is going to fall somewhere between Dungeons and Dragons (the movie) and Final Fantasy Spirits Within...
Originally posted by Hrimnir With the recent post by Mark Kern regarding how the casualization or MMO's has essentially ruined the genre got me to thinking about what other aspects have contributed to the "ruining" of mmo's.
Personally i believe t…
Originally posted by Asheram
I bought the game once already, have no intentions of paying full price for it again. Maybe if the price drops to what a sub costs I will try it and see what has changed but til then have fun.
Word. Adventurine askin…
As someone who played Eden Eternal for a good few months I must add my 2 cents...
First, its an Alpaca, not a Llama! But same thing I guess.
2nd.... believe it or not, the alpaca is even more bizarre / cute in-game. Don't ask me how I noti…
Originally posted by SupportPlayerMM
So your current complaint is you didn't take the offer by 4/12 after months and months of the offer being on the table and now you're mad at them because you didn't put enough effort into the product to do this …
*Sigh*... progression is RPG's.....and MMORPG's...
There are two definitions for RPG, the technical definition: "role playing game" so you take on the role of a character and your choices and behavior affects the world around you.
Then theres …
I don't think the game will fail. But I do think alot of people will chew through the content too fast and get burnt out on it the same way they did in TSW, TERA, SWTOR. There are just too many new games coming out nowadays that give us so many r…
I got my money's worth out of SWTOR, but like many others have said, the game lacked longevity. My other main beef with the game was the HERO Engine.
People will say over and over again, "omg no HERO engine is fine" or "SWTOR used an old version o…
TSW does not deserve anything above a 7.5
I was selected to participate in the beta, which I did, and after playing a few hours I uninstalled.
The game interface is visually bland, and boring. The animations and spell effects were terrible. The …
Originally posted by Soaapy Originally posted by stormseekaz
2. What is the easiest/fastest way for me to get a mount? I saw the free goobbue mount thing but that ended at patch 1.23 which is currently active to my knowledge. My highest jo…
The Real Life MMORPG has several flaws:
1. Griefing is allowed in some circumstances. The GM's may punish the greifer's for it, but only after their avatar permadeath occurs.
2. No control over most of your avatar's appearance. And changing ava…
If it is just an ad for a political based game then why does it say "HOPE" and "JOBS" below the candidates. That to me strikes a biased agenda.
I interpreted it as "Romney will give us "JOBS", but Obama will just give us another 4 years of "HOPE",…
Originally posted by fivoroth
Originally posted by trashbug Path Of Exile quality is exceptionaly high, if you take into account that it will be F2P and that no one heard about this studio before. No release date announced, but the game is going …
From what I've heard it should be going into the "no more character wipes" mode in June or so. Most free 2 play games have their open beta phase treated like retail subscription games' full release. There are usually no character wipes in F2P open…
Mmmm ya. Combat is just one aspect of sandbox MMORPGs. There were people who played Darkfall, EVE, UO, and SWG, who NEVER did any combat in all their character experience. Rich sandbox games allow many other play styles besides combat. So.. the…
Yes I've tried everything you have all suggested. I tried every compatibility bit in the Dx11 AA compatibility field, none of them worked. The amount of bits in the DX9 AA compatibility field is a rediculous amount and since TSW uses the Age of Co…