when a pc magazine can show me proof that its actulyl vaporware then illbelive them until then i believe taso unles prooven other words. i would never believe some random person like you that has stooped this low.
Has taso hurt you guys in some wa…
yea oyu speak for taso to do you want to enlighten us on your crap some more?
you know for a fact he was tlaking 2008 because no one goes by there billing year or whatever its called when they announce a release date
i think shan has that about right. but they sound to confendent. only reason it wotn release if they find more problems when they start playtesting than they expected but it will at least start playtesting before hand. release probly 90% chance
the publishers have seen the game. They dont want to show the game until they have a good product to show.
Like i said before i talked to one of the mythos devs and they even have seen it. and he didnt say anything bad about it ^.^ i didnt bug him…
Originally posted by Isane
Originally posted by IKShadow
Originally posted by Kairarr
DArkfall is not like your average game; World of Warcraft, Warhammer or Age of Conan.
They are actually using pro testers to beta test the game, and Taso…