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  • "A quick click on your rifle will either arm it or holster it." So it's not FPS combat then???
  • How about Neocron 2.5 where you have a server without Psi Monks???? I'd come back, and I'm sure loads of others will. Trying to pander to the fantasy crowd by putting in overpowered wizards is ridiculous - they aren't going to play it anyway. Si…
  • Originally posted by Marauder Of course, a big bang that results in all the planets and life forming isn't magical....here's my question: Where did the big bang come from? I completely agree, however that is not in the Bible. Originally poste…
  • I don't think that Twilight War has anything to do with any of the Neocron devs. Incidentally, if you lighten the screenshots they look absolutely terrible. A Neocron with a supportive publisher and devs willing to fix bugs would be an interesting…
  • I work in the political media and am constantly stunned by how easy it is to get away with the serious manipulation of documentary evidence, reality can be virtually re-defined with very few questions asked. Every part of the Bible is written by man…
  • Originally posted by Tostino We had like 15-16 people total and city came with 14-15 or so and we fought for like 3 hours. . Advertising the opportunity to fight with less people than your average free-to-play FPS server is perhaps not the greates…
  • Originally posted by Tostino Did you try and find a clan or people that could help you out so you can see what the PvP is like? But to be fair he shouldn't have to, the process of levelling and getting to know the game should be enjoyable however …
  • So let's fix an incredibly buggy game, with too little content, a virtually non existent storyline and too many assholes in the community by adding some graphics updates (bearing in mind that last time the did that they created god knows how many pr…
  • Originally posted by Blackmoor Gahh , thats a total waste of the Shadowrun world. Why even bother with the Shadowrun tm if you are just going to do an fps? Because a well done FPS can give you far more atmosphere than almost any other type of game.…
  • Originally posted by eric1000 I think most of you will be pretty shocked as to what he really thinks of MMorg players as a whole. One look at any MMO community board will tell you that in most cases he is entirely correct.
  • Originally posted by madazz I also asked a CSR named Tiggs if the Devs have any intention of reversing this or making other alterations, she said clearly "no". She is not doing her Job........IMO. Well, yeah she is. She's giving you the informatio…
  • There were lots of little niggles with the game, balance - bugs etc but that was never really enough to make me leave. The progressive move further and further towards the game being a griefers paradise was what finally sent me away, KK always liste…
  • Originally posted by superhero13 Wow. ABP sounds like CONFLICT: Omega Everything is starting to sound like that, the post-apocalyptic genre is in-vogue at the moment and there are no genuinely good MMORPGs that are FPS'. Just be better than the…
  • Originally posted by LordMagnus What does that have anything to do with it? It's common sense to not bump old topics. No it isn't. If MMORPG.com didn't want old topics to be brought up again then they would delete them after X days. Clearly they…
  • Originally posted by LordMagnus Why'd you bump such an old topic moron? Maybe he doesn't spend as much time on the site as you???? I think you need to take a long hard look in the mirror before flaming others.
  • Originally posted by gamerman98 well of course i have had imput on the game. i created it at the start of the year and me and my team were working on it since then. Then you own the intellectual copyright for it. Though obviously you will need some…
  • Originally posted by gamerman98 The reason why he dumped me and not the rest of my team........... That's fine because if you have had any input on the design of the game - and can prove it, then there are a whole load of intellectual copyright i…