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  • 1. DAOC 2. WoW 3. COH 4. LOTRO 5. Worlds Away (Compuserve)
  • Worth the Money: 1. DAOC 2. WOW Not worth the money: 1. Aion (worst purchase I ever made)
  • Originally posted by Lienhart Mine: Dark Age of Camelot I tried playing it years back (before WoW came out). Hated it for it's inferior graphics and lack of direction. The fans always talk about how great it's PvP was, I always found it incredib…
  • 1).Dark Age of Camelot (before trials of Atlantis) 2).World of Warcraft (before Cataclysm) 3).Star Wars Galaxy (before everyone could become a Jedi) 4).Guild Wars 1 (before the final expansion) 5).Lord of the Rings online 6).City of Heroes 7)…
  • To be honest, I would have never left DAOC for WOW if the UI had been as updated as Blizzards version, /qbind is somewhat of a chore these days. I would also jump at the chance of a DAOC 2 as I think the Lore and Battlegrounds are still the best wh…
  • LOL...not this time I'm afraid. I also played WOW from Beta and liked the mechanics compared to DAOC I had been playing.  The lore of wow is just awful, so much so that I rarely read the quest text.  If DAOC had the same UI mechanics as WOW I would…
  • Yes it is the /qbind followed by the panel number followed by the spell number e.g. /qbind 1 1 then you will be asked to press a key for this bind, it's complicated but it works.
  • I left wow for RIFT and to be honest it's got some enjoyable moments, but the animation is not as smoath as WOW, and I predict longevity would be equal to one run to level 50 and a secenic tour of the lands to find all the artifacts. In relation …
  • Originally posted by Maelstrom09 Hi Thanks for the response Duvand. I'm currently level 13 and have now left the tutorial area. I left at level 11 with the full armour you get from the token, mount and all quests completed so pretty good really. …
  • When you have completed all the quests in the Third town, have your Horse and armor Level 11 I think, head back to your first town and there is an NPC who will port you to the main area's, the game kinda opens up here.  You can do BG's at any level …
  • Yep, that would be no, DAOC is the best at RVR and siege warfare, Aion grrrrrrrr and Warhammer tried but failed.  Maybe with a few patches and balancing WAR might have something similar, AION is just a GRIND come LAG/Crash feast.  Hang on I forgot a…
  • Originally posted by Maelstrom09 Hi Thanks for your response Duvand. I started playing earlier today, I created a character on the Midgard realm, a Norseman Warrior. I'm currently level 7 and am really enjoying it. I'm still in the tutorial area …
  • First off DAOC is fantastic if you like Lore and role play, yes it is very old school with it's UI, but let me give you some tips that will make your enjoyment easier to transfer from wow...   1.  Use the /qbind command to set up your keys, a pa…
  • ok when I played DAOC many years ago in the UK, it was a 3D game that ooozed with Lore and role play. The Bad... 1.  Impossible to solo as most mobs would bring ten of their friends, grave run... 2.  Mobs of same level were near impossible to kil…
  • you can get to level 50 in three days...   but generally you get extra exp from 1. Your Guild, 2. Rested exp 3. More exp if you kill mobs in certain areas 4. You get a free level every few days 5. Exp in RVR   so you will get there in no tim…
  • Originally posted by Tyvolus88 Originally posted by Duvand Originally posted by Tyvolus88 Originally posted by Duvand I totally aggree with the OP, AION for it's hype is an awful game.  The quests aren't even imaginative, and any game that …
  • Originally posted by testament1 Okay, just to get it out of the way, I'm an avid WoW player(my only MMO experience), but I'm getting quite bored with it to be honest. I've been looking for a new game for sometime now, but nothings ever worked out…
  • Originally posted by Tyvolus88 Originally posted by Duvand I totally aggree with the OP, AION for it's hype is an awful game.  The quests aren't even imaginative, and any game that borders on repeat this quest 100 times to level, needs a seriou…
  • Originally posted by Peccavi This happens everytime a new mmo comes out thats not exactly like wow in every way shape and form. thats right kiddos this isnt world of warcraft. World of warcraft is not the end all be all of MMOs. WoW hands you eve…
    in Aion hate Comment by Duvand October 2009
  • I totally aggree with the OP, AION for it's hype is an awful game.  The quests aren't even imaginative, and any game that borders on repeat this quest 100 times to level, needs a serious grilling.  The OP got the graphics aspect just right, the colo…