If this game recieves negative points in its review for its character art style, it's scapegoating at that point. Other then the (understandably) controversial point , it's an excellent review, especially on the gameplay mechanics.
Don't bother with Evasia, OP, he/she doesn't really contribute, they just instigate.
The interent has become an international forum where anyone with enough skill with a computer can project their opinions in a written, audio, and/or visual ma…
Originally posted by ocbdare It's 50 pounds if you buy a digital copy from their website which is very expensive, so I will most likely wait till the price drops a bit. Although it's 35 on amazon. I am sure it will be 20-25 in no time :P
I can'…
Originally posted by warmaster670 Wow, starcraft players sure think there game is just the greatest thing since air dont they, newsflash, it isnt.
only 5 million copies of stacraft were sold outside korea, so how do you think every mmo is gonn…
Originally posted by arcenemy
Originally posted by Omali
like explaining Vigil's stance or what the problem is
2 factional pvp, utter disrespect for the IP lore, blatant attempt at copying WoW mechanics to make a game that caters to tha…
Originally posted by flguy147 They dont. People just love the first mmos they played the most. Its like music, i hear all the time how people love the music they grew up on the most.
I hate barney music with a passion. It taught me how to b…
The only MMORTS's that I can think of are the following:
Europa 1400, based off of the Guild 2 RTS
End of Nations, an MMORTS that focuses on many players controlling multiple vehicles.
Dawn of Fantasy: Think if Age of Empires 2, the Lord of th…
Honestly? Planetside had it. If you were good enough to get to CR5 and the top BR, you usually were having a great time in your outfit as well. When I max'd (in levels, that is) in 2006, I had 100 real players from my outfit at my fingertips, ready …
Don't listen to those nay sayers. Your answer is Fantasy Earth Zero.
I was extremely skeptical about this game until I actually played it. I found the graphics were much better in native resolution (still crap, mind you, but no where near as b…
Yes, most of us hate runescape, but that's because we moved on and learned from it. Many of the MMO demographic of people in/just out of college played and learned from this game-I learned Merching and RPG mechanics from this game. Jagex made a grea…
I'm finding myself agreeing with the customization ideas that are popping up, I should have thought about that in my original idea/post. By having a bit of character shape customization (which prevents major hitbox issues but allows for player choic…
I think you all are thinking way too small here.
I want Planetside 2, not Planetside 1.5. Most of the elements you have described are just modules to the existing Planetside. They're mostly good ideas, don't get me wrong, but these are just piggyb…
What he said.
Also, if it's on MMORPG.com, various MMOFPS sites, and MMO sites, then you better believe the industry considers it an MMO.
AvA looks sick. Its like EvE, yet not at the same time. I'm very excited about this game.
Originally posted by wormywyrm
Dont waste time with above poster, its just a link to the survey again.
One thing there was talk about but we never saw was air bases, maybe mobile. That would be awesome.
Oh really?
As you may have hear…