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  • The university is current war decced by The Privateer alliance. Bastards, can't leave the university alone to train new people (which some may ultimately join Privateer Alliance after graduation). They just want to distrupt classes.
  • Lovely read. Please continue to post your experiences post 20
  • Our community would have given this game a try after reading a post a Snail Game staff made on our forums. Infact I furthered that post - posting videos and more info. Only to realize moments later that bot/person was spamming our entire forums of t…
  • I can't believe the many shallow comments on this topic. You are indeed not aware of the situation of our planet's health. You may dislike the people at GreenPeace - but you have to acknowledge that what they fight for, their agenda, is very importa…
  • Our entire community is facing a problem playing TR. Our ISP throttles torrents, and it is mistakenly throttling TR data. This is a very bad problem for all of us, we can see pings rise above 198000. When we switch to another MMO, the pings are fi…
  • GoGamer.com has PayPal at it's checkout - I saw it but didn't go all the way. The customer service is good too, proven here: http://www.hellgateguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6482
  • Is it a bad crash as in the screen looks messed up (artifacts everywhere - colour distortion etc ?) and sometimes a blue screen of death followed by a reboot ? If yes, then it's the problem RF has with ATI Graphic Cards. It's a long old problem an…
  • Amen. I am truly a fan of D&D, and a hardcore paladin to boot. I even paid fileplanet for the stress test - twice! On the first stress test: I got off after 15 minutes. On the second stress test, I put more effort into it and played for 2 days…
  • It's stated on Fileplanet, and DDO.com that stress test begins at 9AM PST. The servers aren't even up yet. Check the playtimes on Fileplanet.
  • Deadangel - Im honestly sorry to hear about your losses. Ungrateful and unethical. I am in Lionna with a great guild and alliance. We've been together since the beginning of L2 and we've always helped each other. If you feel like coming back one day…
  • Please send me a trial key. My eMail: [email protected] Zipeh - If I decide to return to Eve, I wish to join Ascendancy with my 500k skill point character. Would that be ok with you ? I was in TTI for about 3 months before leaving.
  • Thank you everyone for your replies. I've left Eve-Online after a month of playing, even though I was very active in a corp. - I was always mining in deep space. Im interested in coming back again, mainly because of complexes. I want to be more comb…
  • My fiance and I almost got caught - We were suppose to be diving that day. The tsunami hit at a time when the last ferry leaves back to the mainland. The ferry overturned.  If we didn't posponed the trip, we would be on that ferry. Btw, the death …
  • Nooooooo ! *sigh* This just ruined my day. "We stand united, to guide those oppressed by chaos; to the light".
  • Ahh.. thanks. Im using their "Gamespy" webapplet downloader. The one with an Advert. on the right side and a download rate graph on the left side. Edit: Correction on Left - Right.
  • Still hoping for a Trial  please CDKey, please ? "We stand united, to guide those oppressed by chaos; to the light".
  • Guys, please ? Pretty please ? Help me out with a buddy key ? "We stand united, to guide those oppressed by chaos; to the light".
  • That's right, I was thinking of just downloading it at Download.com and patching it up. http://www.download.com/3120-20-0.html?qt=planetside&tg=dl-2001 "We stand united, to guide those oppressed by chaos; to the light".
  • Hello everyone! I use to play Planetside a year ago - Im thinking of giving it another shot. Would someone please be so kind to help me out with a buddy key (Like the 2 guys above), please ? My eMail's [email protected] Thanks in advance.