Originally posted by downtoearth
Originally posted by c1c3r0
Look at Runescape. It may still be a browser game but it just recently broke the world record for most popular free MMORPG of all time. Hell it even has over 200k active subscriptions…
Originally posted by Hornybeast
Hey don't be coming into the Darkfall forum talking up some vapour-ware game
This forum is for games that will actually be released!
Idont think that Darkfall will be released to soon...
If its going to…
I think both WAR and AoC will be great games. When they push a game back like that they know they need more work done on it. So you could say the developers are really smart, theyve noticed the problems,
and they are goning to make changes hopeful…
Originally posted by eric1000
As mentioned above you need a 64bit OS, Vista if you want DX10 ( minimum Home Premium). You could also fit faster memory with that motherboard. As also mentioned above I would shop around a bit for lower prices. …
Originally posted by Teala
OK. I am curious. I myself would love to see a good MMORPG with "true"FPS (Battlefield 2) type combat created. If such a game were made would you play it.
Yes stats would determine what you could play. I weakingly c…
Originally posted by WiccanCircle
I must be excited about Age of Conan. What is weird is that I really know next to nothing about the game. Perhaps that is why I am still tingly about its coming launch. It has been so long since any good games…
Originally posted by solareus
Even the haters have admitted that this game is great ! Just no for them , and I applaud there honesty and sincerity as well as acknowledging that Turbine has made one of the best mmorpgs to date.
For the mass fan ba…