Originally posted by Meatimus
Originally posted by WhiteknightI
Originally posted by Meatimus
Work for funcom?
right on the box you bought!
Can you read?
Originally posted by bluedragonnn
I heard the collectors edition came with 30days , or 60days free gameplay but idk ...
It says on my box......30 days free.
Then I try to create an account and realizes I just got hosed.
Originally posted by rznkain
ya right wait till lich king comes back and you will be sayin the exact oppisite like 3 years of raidin in wow is something hard to do or acheive either way games not even been out a week and newb fanbois lik…
Originally posted by Daffid011
I disagree, there was an obvious reason it took 3 time longer.
Yes it is obvious, time and nothing else. Bobs' friend Fred is playing another MMO right next to him. They both play for 5 hours killing orcs,…
Originally posted by Daffid011
Yes I've been playing MMOs for a long time now and WoW certainly isn't my first game.
It doesn't make it any harder because it takes Bobby 3 times as long to reach a goal in game A vs game B.
I disagree, there was …
Looks like another WoW fanboi tryin to keep people in WoW.
The fact that it's instanced will probably keep down the lag and prevent zerging from going on.
I like the idea and from what I've heard the zones are big enough anyways. Would it b…
Killed WoW for me and a bunch of my friends.
WoW is going to be like a raid boss that many different MMOs are going to bring down.
Personally I'm just sick of the BG grind and arenas. Don't see myself going back to it.
Originally posted by Daffid011
So everyone who plays WoW is a mouthbreathing 12 year old and that is why you think it is easy? Insulting the people who play a game doesn't really validate your opinion or give valid reasons why you think it …
Originally posted by Taliasin
I have played a lot of MUDs/MUSHs/MOOs/MMOs/MMORPGs over the years and of all that I have played WoW was the easiest to learn, easiest to master, easiest crafting, and required the least amount to tactical/strategic t…
Originally posted by Housam
Originally posted by WhiteknightI
Originally posted by Housam
Originally posted by WhiteknightI
A few friends and I are planning on ditching WoW and playing AoC. I have a new XPS so I don't think I'm go…
Originally posted by bakmtpm
So today I finally got it.. and after what 3 hours I hit the login page and what.. nothing happens.. I have the right password etc.. took me for ever to look at the account information for find out it was cancelled th…
Originally posted by Housam
Originally posted by WhiteknightI
A few friends and I are planning on ditching WoW and playing AoC. I have a new XPS so I don't think I'm going to have any problems.
One of my friends has a dual core yady ya…
Originally posted by csthao
Originally posted by zball
Originally posted by Union
Have fun with your fatalities chief.
cool thanks I will. I’m not a wow hater just someone who wants something better.
LOL...that's what you say…
Originally posted by admriker4
How will Warhammer PvP work ? I am disgusted by Age of Cona's FFA servers. Getting murdered while Im still loading into a zone and then graveyard camped isnt my idea of PvP.
Nor do I like the instanced 48vs48 pvp zo…
Originally posted by Hova218
With 4 70's and t5/t6 level or equal gear on oneof them, it was an easy choice to at least try AoC. (not PvP gear cuz that doesn't count cuz it is to easy to get) I already pre-order WotLK thru gamestop 6 months ago, …
First off, the community IS one of the worst around in the MMO community and I've played several.
WoW is still a good game and worth playing to level 70 once or twice. The endgame is pretty much fail imo. Not much but sitting in a few battle…