Scot said:
Nanfoodle said:
ValdemarJ said:
Suicide Squad cost the gaming division a lot. Apparently Warner Discovery is in trouble overall. They do seem out of touch. They've had some other IP flops lately and fans aren…
Angrakhan said:
Sorry but a camera artist is not a "creative dev". Developers write code, period. That's what is on the job description. Unless there's some coding involved in the camera work then they aren't a developer. You don't watch the c…
Valdheim said:
Erinak1 said:
To be honest, I'm kinda surprised it went on so long. One thing that often isn't talking about is the associated cost of companies attending, especially mid-range companies. Realistically in the past it w…
To be honest, I'm kinda surprised it went on so long. One thing that often isn't talking about is the associated cost of companies attending, especially mid-range companies. Realistically in the past it was one of the wisest advertising investments,…
I'm not gonna comment on what was written above but what I will say I am tired of Disney doing is making one character look bad to make another look good. They had scenes that made Ezra seem a lot worse just to make Sabine seem better. Ezra is a ver…
I mean they've been renamed since like final fantasy 11... Edit: I think maybe they were called Malboro in 15, but definitely in 11, 12 and 14 they were called Morbol. I don't recall 13 having the creature at all but I could be wrong.
JeroKane said:
Meanwhile in Asia.... behemoths like TenCent have been buying companies like mad, including western game studios.
No one stopped TenCent?
And in the West, what about EA? Hasn't that become a behemoth on itself as well? Ubis…
I mean, its not like SWTOR was getting much content anyway. It never really made sense to me why they didn't have more active development on content, even games like EQ2 and LOTRO release more and they make far, far less money than SWTOR does. But I…
It actually wasn't an inredeemably bad game, it was just run badly. I feel like if they had focused a little more on making the game more streamlined and less about milking people every possible chance, it could have made a lot more money in the lon…
I think Amazon should try releasing a functional game before they start shit talking other games. It seems weird to me that this guy seems so focused on saying how much better their game will be when they have nothing to show for it. Maybe it will b…
Scot said:
Peace never existed between Gondor and the Corsairs so unless this takes place after the events on LotR those are not peace emissaries. The Corsairs see themselves as the descendants of the rightful rulers of Gondor, no love lost th…
I concur with the others about PvE. The lore and stuff interested me but I'm not interested in a pvp focused/only game. As I've said before on other games, I think the number of people who want a pvp focused mmo are less than the number of people t…
DarkZorvanReturns said:
agentsi1511 said:
shinobi4444 said:
Scot said:
I guess they don't need a creative director any more because they aren't creating, sad really as its a good MMORPG.
Arterius said:
Lobotomist said:
carterza said:
Wargfoot said:
Maybe that is how you do game development.
Allow someone else to eat all the upfront costs/bad reputation/etc. and then come in for the fire s…
rosepetal870 said:
Kyleran said:
Arterius said:
slowz2secret said:
when the anti monopoly sh!t union will do something against tencent?
They won't its not an American company. So it makes it mu…
OmegaXtc said:
Only concern I have is there isn't a great auto-afk-logout for people who aren't doing anything that can't be defeated with an auto clicker. Once people are in, nobody is leaving.
You dont even need a clicker, there…
Scot said:
Sovrath said:
BruceYee said:
It is IMO nothing like any of the other classes and provides something I felt was missing from the game which is a bit of reality.
If ESO would create a similar class I'd…
HJ-Navarre said:
Q: SWG Legends sounds amazing! How can I join the fun!?
A: Er... you actually need to own an original copy of Star Wars Galaxies : An Empire Divided before you can play. There's one for sale on Amazon for a mere $274.00! …