Theocritus said:
Torval said:
During the last Steam sale I searched high and low for something to play as an alternative because it's easy to get burnt out on a game. There is nothing I could find that even comes close. Night of the De…
Wizardry said:
I used to follow it quite a bit but it just wasn't gopd enough to entice me to buy in.If it is still considered EA then that is just another cog in the wheel that proves these EA games are truly a scam/cash grab.
I bet if i did …
My experience has been this. This game sucks you in. I actually played this for about 12 hours straight. ( I'm retired now) And even at that it took all my mental strength just to hit the quit button. Funny thing is it is easy to stay away from…
"an open world sandbox crafting and survival game"
Just what the world needs.... another gankfest.
The trailer did look interesting, Not sure how the morality aspect will work, but if PvP is voluntary, I might give this a look.
I think it would come down to the question of:
Do gamers really want to spend the $100/ month sub fee on top of the box cost and the microtransaction and DLC fees that it would cost to really build that game that "has all the right features peopl…
Theocritus said:
I always thought WoW was too easy from the get go....Especially compared to the MMOs that came before it.....It was the start of the "I want to be entertained and not challenged" player.
Gee, I wonder why it was so popu…
Scot said:
I am not sure regional PvP was discussed as in DAOC, you can work that in with some of the other ideas, so the regional areas that can be fought over could be the sandbox ones.
You mentioned next gen, for me that will be AI run MMOs…
marganculos said:
Can some of you guys... please stop calling every MMO "Sandbox"?
Let's take a look what sandbox +- is (if you are unable to google it in 5 seconds but you will still argue about it on forum for years...)
gervaise1 said:
OP: What you are after, if I have read your post correctly believe, is "community". Speciffically the type of community you found in EQ1 years ago.
Only you will be able to say if game X has what you are after but an alternati…
It's F2P.
If you you are just playing for PVE, then it should cost you nothing. I played it for about 6 months and had some good fun at absolutely zero cost. The space combat missions were the most enjoyable aspect for me, but land based weren't…
Eronakis said:
Torval said:
Eronakis said:
I think point 5 will be met with a lot of resistance. The demographics that like strong grouping seem to also favor specific focused roles for characters and classes.
How we…
linadragon said:
Horusra said:
For me has less to to with political bias and more to do with economic belief. I believe free market capitalism is the driver of innovation. When someone can make some cash people will compete for it. …
aRtFuLThinG said:
The problem with this entire Net Neutrality debacle is because this issue is not really up for vote, the people really have no say in this.
That douchebag Ajit Pai can propose whatever he wants.
You can only only hope the S…
I think I am pretty much in the same camp as SEANMCAD, when it comes to crafting.
Playing a keyboard game might be fun the first time, but after a while it would likely become tedious, and offer little in long term fun.
For me the key to having fu…
Azaron_Nightblade said:
Some good advice from Phry there. If you like crafting though, Cooking is a much easier way to get CP than running quests in general. Each time you make something, you have a good chance of getting random byproducts that…
Phry said:
To be fair, he only played for an hour or so, getting to level 23 is easy and fast given that its still in tutorial mode at that point, levelling is faster though via grinding, because questing doesn't give you combat xp usually, jus…
Well a decent MMO that I can enjoy is missing at the moment. I don't really need the attention, I don't post here much anymore.
I am not saying this is a bad game. It is a game I want to like. I guess I will just have to keep struggling as you…