go to ea support live chat and get your refund with a free copy of battlefield bad company 2 or another title, but I think it is the best one. I even used steam to purchase APB and EA gave me a refund of BC2
Originally posted by ChoadSauce play GTA4 or saints row 2 online......its pretty much the same thing, only better.
Ya I hear ya. I miss the game. Currently trying the free trial to global agenda, signed up for the firefall beta, and …
if you acct became active without you knowing than you have a key logger on your computer, some sort of trojan, or a friend / guildie you gave your PW to in the past stole the account because they knew you weren't playing anymore.
What interne…
Originally posted by rznkain THink you guys are missing the point he is saying they didn't even leave the servers up for the 30 days which is required.They pulled the servers within 24 hours after they gave notice.I would take it back to store and …
Originally posted by Nephaerius
That might be the fastest MMO shutdown ever.
I think the game Fury might have won that war. I forgot how long it lasted but was super short as well.
The only game I have heard of with restrictions to any system is All Points Bulletin which have lower grahpics for 32 Bit systems becasue of the lack of RAM that a 32Bit OS offers.
32BIT: 2 Gigs RAM
64Bit: Over 2 Gigs RAM
Stop with the negativity.
The game runs fine in the current state. I was just playing all yesturday with no lag at all. You also mentioned no one received there deleted clan rewards from month #1. I can tell you if you emailed support like you wer…
Originally posted by SuperDonk This patch defintely made the game much better. I hope they can make more zones soon. This game would be awesome if the had a zone that it was straight crims vs enf. Maybe have some type of capture zone control aspe…
Originally posted by Lithdov Don't bother buying APB at this point, RTW is bankrupt and unless they find an investor to buy them in the next month or so, APB will be shut down. Don't get stuck with a $50 coaster like the rest of us who bought it.
As you may or may not have already read, RTW has recently announced that it has entered into administration. When reading this news, you’ll probably be wondering what effect this will have on you, the players.
Well, the good news is that it doesn…
Rainbow Six (Original or Rogue Spear)
Both of these games are single player and multiplayer but the player base is very small. Rogue spear has more players I think. It has been a while.
Both Here for download: http://www.xcgaming.com/
I th…
Originally posted by Renoaku
Fourth Mistake.
Many of us did not get our monthly Rewards.
Fith Mistake
They Advertised this game as A world with 100 thousand players, it is all 100% Instanced game play with no more than 80 people per instanc…
They have mentioned constant updates as well as expansions in APB future. Also it is a very fun game. Most people do not like it because it is skill based and takes positioning, aim, and learning the game.
OP, It is to late now, but you should hav…