Atiesh or Myzrael but maybe different server depending on where others in my group goes, not sure of faction either. I'm definitely aiming to rolling a shaman, miss playing that in pre-TBC WoW.
My most memorable times with SWG was back in late 2003-early 2004 towards summer attacking rebel bases and occasionally spotting a rare Jedi that we'd drop everything and give it 110% to go kill him, while he runs around and 1-hits turrets and playe…
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Have to add your email to get spammed in order to be eligable... no thanks.
vanderghast said:
Don't fool yourself that because the PC version came out first it was designed for PC's. PC players just got to beta test for the consoles.
PC version only recently got controller support, AFTER the console versions …
Tasslehoff35 said:
Thebeasttt said:
Maybe if this was it's own game like SWG, instead of a shitty WoW clone.
SWG was the shitty game. 10,363 people playing in 2006 , no game has tried to copy it since SOE put it out of its mise…
No I doubt it, it's not a widely advertised game as it was 3 years ago. Battlefront may see a gain on players for a couple months (it's been dropping players like flies due to how shallow and dull the gameplay is).
Charlie.Cheswick said:
rojoArcueid said:
PC version
1-The main reason why i moved from PC to PS4 ESO was because it did not have controller support out of the box. I heard they were adding it but unless it was recently added, then it doesnt have support. Xpadder did…
SWTOR going F2P pretty much is why my guild of 450+ people (started in SWG) left the game, the restrictions is one of the worst and my guild being PvP based even when subscribed (and preferred status) after it going F2P we couldn't access our PvP ge…
Averages usually doesn't paint the whole picture, there's more people working at Walmart and Starbucks than there are working at NEC or Boeing.
On that note, you can even be a sanitation worker (ugh who would want to do that?) and still make $50K/y…
gervaise1 said:
TeknoBug said:
It's clearly a publicity move to gain more players. Same for Halo 5, their MP is dying out and they announced free daily REQ packs.
So when you open a web site and see an advertisement - from F…
Actually yes ESO is kind of hurting for players, that $1 million contest is misleading, it's $50,000 per year to the winner which they can totally afford unless they do something financially stupid (of which the winner will be able to sue them on). …
My guild originally from Star Wars Galaxies migrated over to SWTOR which lasted barely 4 months then migrated to Guild Wars 2 for almost 2 years (I was AWOL for quite a while during that time) then now ArcheAge and my impressions left me unimpressed…
Not even sure if this is still going towards actually releasing on PS4 after the Daybreak transfer. On the other hand, the possibility of it going to Xbox One is out there now too.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes because I'm a Star Wars fan and I loved the KOTOR games
Do you currently play this game?:
If no, please explain why:
Poorly handled game, terrible pvp even though I did pl…
From 2003-mid 2005 SWG held a ~350K sub playerbase and that was when F2P hardly existed and then along game the NGE and pops dropped down to below 50K in less than 6 months. On the other hand, SWTOR with ~500K F2P is pretty weak, F2P games tend to …
Back around the Christmas holidays the hacking got ridiculously bad (oddly enough they always showed up during alerts, so I tend to play outside of alert times). It's actually rare for me to come across a hacker otherwise, but last night there was …