In the business world strategy is what objectives you decide to meet.
For example, a company may pursue a mass production strategy in which its objectives are large econimies of scales. That is one strategy for profit.
Another is product differe…
Originally posted by Meridion
A tactic is a conceptual action used by a military unit of no larger than a division to implement a specific mission and achieve a specific objective, or to advance toward a specific goal. A tactic is implemented as …
Wow will be around for the next 10-15 years, by which time the will still have 300-400k subscribers. The reason for htis is that people just don't by new computers anymore and wow is the only game that is scalling properly to this rate of growth. Of…
Originally posted by Jhughesy
Why are people so obsessed with numbers and biggest being best? Is this an American thing?
The quality of the game is what counts. Who cares if 100m people are playing my favourite game if the server only holds 5000…
Originally posted by bodypass
Originally posted by Loke666
Originally posted by bodypass
BTW: Mercedes is the best selling car in Germany (they do have money), does that make it a "MacDonalds" car ?
Actually, Wolkswagen sells more than m…
its alright but the game is empty and feels barren. everything is like a card board box too, go this way, go that way, i liked teh openess of wow a bit more.
Originally posted by Wildbeard
i dont get how ANY autotarget AUTOCOMBAT can feel natural , ???
the only games that have natural combat that flows with good timing are Dungeons and Dragons online and AOC, you decide the timing ; (there are some …
I disagree, I believe that Atheism is a religion because it is based on the faith of verifying and checking, however, it is also based on the extrapolations of these checks and verifications as illustrated by the definition of a theory, an extrapola…
Originally posted by Blodpls
Atheism is not a religion.
Dawkins may be a strong proponent of atheism but he does not speak for anyone except himself.
Atheists may or may not believe in evolution.
Atheists may or may not believe in th…
Originally posted by Blodpls
Atheism is not a religion.
Dawkins may be a strong proponent of atheism but he does not speak for anyone except himself.
Atheists may or may not believe in evolution.
Atheists may or may not believe in th…
Originally posted by Wow4Lifer
Originally posted by Gameloading
Just the thought of correcting you makes me very, very tired, especialy as you didn't follow my advice. You clearly didn't look up what a religion really means and you know even le…
Originally posted by Gameloading
Just the thought of correcting you makes me very, very tired, especialy as you didn't follow my advice. You clearly didn't look up what a religion really means and you know even less about Richard Dawkins and the …
Originally posted by Gameloading
I'm not going into great detail here because you're posting so much ignorance that I could write an essay on how wrong you are. instead, I'm going to give you the facts and i suggest you do research o…
Originally posted by Gameloading
I'm not going into great detail here because you're posting so much ignorance that I could write an essay on how wrong you are. instead, I'm going to give you the facts and i suggest you do research o…
Originally posted by Gameloading
I'm not going into great detail here because you're posting so much ignorance that I could write an essay on how wrong you are. instead, I'm going to give you the facts and i suggest you do research o…
Originally posted by Fishermage
Originally posted by hydrasnake
You have a lot of spelling mistakes in that paragraph. Athiests don't usually do that. Athieism could be counted as a religion or a lack of religion depending on your point of view…
Okay so in the last 30 or so posts we have had responses from atheists and religious people alike.
One thing i noticed was that the atheists were extremely violent in there respones, where as those who practices religion were not as much, but …
Originally posted by mechtech256
Atheism is based on observation and science.
Religion is based on a book that someone told you is magical law.
Maybe that's why it's easy to get angry.
not all religions are based on a book, and you a…
Originally posted by skeaser
Main Entry:
athe·ist Listen to the pronunciation of atheist
: one who believes that there is no deity
— athe·is·tic Listen to the pronunciation of atheis…
Originally posted by skamper
No tenants, no dogma or no standard worship = no religion.
Therefore atheism in itself is not a religion.
But atheists do have dogma, they worship darwin. Read richard dawkins book.