Levrion said:
Monumental's biggest PC game currently has 12 players on Steam. That's about double of Crowfall's player base.
The future is looking good!
Where have I seen that post?
Oh hold on...
This is a game that needs months and months of more development time to release as a great product.
One month delay won't do much to fix everything that's wrong with it and some of it (quests for example) just comes down to fundamental design tha…
Maaaaybe a PS5 release announcement (I mean, it's already on the PS4 and has a huge playerbase so making it work on the PS5 wouldn't be too much of an issue) followed by maybe a new expansion?
-Some cutscene glitches where the characters slide out of the camera"
I haven't looked it up online because I just thought it was more funny than annoying but glad I'm not the only one who kept getting that glitch. Seeing the characters…
I get what they are trying to do... advertise the ships as these incredibly involved machines, with marketing and artwork done as if it's a car that's being designed and sold "like" one too. They use all of that to justify how long it takes to creat…
alkarionlog said:
I almost feel like to pop in on AA forums to see the tears
"Ah yes, maybe IF WE PAY them in advance this time, all the worries, troubles and fundamental issues with the game will magically go away!"
* "Release" date …
Checking this article here and there hoping for new developments but nothing as of yet.
A bit weird though since they were both serious accusations from both sides.
OG_Zorvan said:
Garriott, McQuaid, Roper, Molyneux, and now Koster. The list of the dinosaur devs to try again and fail will be complete.
Can I add Derek Smart to the list?
Oh wait, nevermind, that would imply he had a "career" or legac…
Tiller said:
For those that missed the update link above, a response.
So the developers of Oath are claiming Ocean Spark used purchasable assets from the Unreal store and resold t…
Started both Control and Astral Chain on the same day. Both managed to captivate me in different ways but sticking mainly with Astral Chain until I complete it before going back to Control, since I started that one like an hour before. Started it fi…
I actually got the ARPG itch again recently and re-installed both Grim Dawn (Never made it past the first half) and Diablo 3 (haven't played it since release, when I poured almost 500hrs across 2 characters).
But I was actually more interested in f…
How is this nothing more than a cash grab?
Game released as a F2P game. The F2P business Model is still there. They have made slight changes and now are passing it off as a B2P game... With the F2P monetization included PLUS yet another unnecessa…
Ikeda said:
The OG one came out (eventually) for the PC. But this is firmly in the not-MMO category. And not PC (as of now.. even announced).
Sadly no, it never came out on the PC.
But after the success of DQXI they could/s…
I honestly don't know why they don't add touchscreen capabilities to some games since the Switch itself was designed with our tablet-centric era in mind.
A game like POE would benefit from it so damn much!
Even on a PC it'd be heavenly. Bei…
Like @Nyctelios mentioned, I have to mention and recommend Phantasy Star Online 2. I've always kept an eye on the game but the last two years or so it just kind of "vanished" out of my mind and then recently I was like... OH YEAH! PSO2! Then I found…
Seelinnikoi said:
They are losing so much money by not having this on PC.
I got it and I'm having a blast with it on the PS4 but a big part of me wishes this was on the PC instead. A ton of potential here to how it can look and pl…
Viper482 said:
Your worry in this case is baseless. They have done absolutely nothing to create any kind of concern that PvP in FFXIV will start affecting PvE in any way, shape, or form. The very notion they may lean toward making PvP a focus i…