I'm looking forward to this but keeping my 'hopes' at a minimum. TOA was shit, it was a grab at the botters and players that had more than one account. Classic servers were refreshing, I'm assuming they took them down because they lost $$ from bot a…
easily the best MMO open now.. like someone said its not going to make me take days off like DaOC did -GOD DaOC was great-but the settings the story/mission stories are the best in an MMO today nothing comes close. I DO agree the combat is clunky m…
PvP only will not work -just look at the PvP DaoC servers... My concern is we saw how the PvP server populations where even at the HEIGHT of DaOC ..what 300 people MAX? 500?
while I loved PvP I didn't like the forced PvP when I was trying to l…
Originally posted by Tumblebutz Originally posted by shadevice Whos lurking? whos posting? who are you?
I was Vestige on Percival. Whats up?
I guess I'll be getting stabbed in the face, again. Were you Vestige 2.0?
Emeryc from Perci…
I've read those posts and it does help, I personally ran with deemed 'crappy' specs but I liked them none the less..
the fact is still that once you complete the main quest all there is is blue, then purple farming..
in that regard DCUO<>…
I'm curious as to what the PS4 and 720 specs will be.. will they be able to run some MMO's? I think as consoles evolve you'll see more and more full MMO's have the option to go console.. DCUO withstanding.. thats not a true MMO
After spending 6 months into BETA everything players are complaining about we said last summer!
We begged the Devs for a 3 faction system as we knew that all the phan boys would flock to Empire and want to be Bane/Palpatine wannabes. they changed …
very different MMO.. I can see where people say its an AP farm, but aren't ALL MMOS a farm to hit X-level or Y skill?
I've only just started lvl 7, crafting is neat, exploration is fun.. reminds me of Fall Out 3 MMO. I can wait to be able to cra…
My response is why?
Once you complete the main quest there's nothing else to do; PVP is meh... farming the same instances for purples is very tedious...
the skill wheel is fantastic, but once you start running hard/ nightmare instances you realize…