I miss OG Blizzard and their whole attitude of giving zero fucks about people telling them they cant do it, keeping their heads down and just getting it done, but now even thy are just puppets and shadows of their former selves.
We need a new c…
Iv played this a bunch with my brother, normally only ever the two of us and it always ends the same way, we start, we level, we build start having fun and then 500 dudes in 20 galleons come through and just steam roll everything in their patch, kil…
This was lost when mmo's lost what made them an mmo, when social gaming invaded, when games in bite sized 10 minute chunks of play invaded, when cross realm invaded, when raids lost the feel of army attacking a hostile fortress and became just a 5 m…
I would have loved to hear all these answeres back in the WoW 1.0 days, and Everquest , EvE and other older MMO's because the one thing that really sets older mmo's appart from modern mmo's is that modern games are way more casual, dont need player …
eoloe said:
"EVE Online: Why So Many MMOs Try To Replicate Its Success"
Which ones? For the sake of completeness, it would have been good to cite a few examples.
He cant lol, there are none.
This should come with a "Paid Article" tag or something because no one who actually has time spent in EvE think's it's in a good position , it's literally shedding players by the minute.
They need to auto asset safety goods in these stations for people that have not logged in for a while, that asset stockpile is a factor in people coming back, if it all goes up in smoke when the structure is destroyed all those players will come bac…
Babuinix said:
It is a happy coincidence—perhaps one of the few that we are likely to enjoy this week.
EvE is not a streaming friendly game, sure some people have figured out a format that works but in general normal players are not …
EvE Online's Alpha accounts are the best at the moment, and after the coming patch they are being expanded even further making them even better, with access to more ships and more importantly more ships used regularly in fleets in null, on top of th…
I'm so fed up with developers claiming their games are mmo's when clearly their not, how about you ask three simple questions.
* Is it Massive ?
( this pertains or should pertain to the total number of players able to be in the same game space and…
WoW is not on top because it's a better game , it has not been the better game for a very very long time, it's still on top because other developers are greedy and pack their games with pay to win mechanics, It boggles me how they can still come out…
The meaning of MMO has never changed, the games themselves have changed, the definition remains the same, Massively (hundreds or thousands) Multiplayer ( at same time ) Online (net DUH!)
Nothing about that has changed, what has changed are idiots c…
Love how they ask the guy that knows what an mmo should be and then proceed to ignore him and spew their own crap about what they think it is.
It's no surprise to me at all that the authoers of mmoRPG are bias in favor of making more games mmo'…
Your site and community is going the way of VHS, CD's and soon BlueRay, you were once the bastion of MMO news , a place where mmo's ONLY were discussed, a place where you could get close and open beta key giveaways to upcoming games, a place where y…
cheyane said:
If you cannot support this site may be it is best that your make good on your threat.
Your just the type that I bet is clicking adverts with zero intention of actually buying anything.. and I bet you never give a second tho…
somersaultsam said:
I was considering a poll but that would be silly.
We obviously have seen successes in the likes of WOW, SWTOR and ESO (probably the biggest 3), but we have seen no development of triple A mmos in recent years.
Rather we …
ste2000 said:
Interesting read, but my main beef with Archeage has never been the game design (one of the best) but this:
"Most importantly for folks who thought of ArcheAge’s payment model as P2W? The direct and limitless purchase of L…
I would rather have seen the rise of free to play plotted on those graphs by free to play I mean pay to win cash grab toxic developed games like ArcheAge and the fleet of others just like it.