Hey EO! I am happy to announce that Im back!
So feel free to add me and chillax with me in the church if you want. I'll still keep the help forum open. But try not to just ask me for crap in game, its gets kind of annoying. Im very low on cash…
Ice arrows are particularly hard to craft because you need a huge amount of ice cubes and an equal amount of ice gems, while fire arrows u only need 16 sets of normal arrows and 2 dragon claws and 2 dragon wings (i think), but i am unsure of where t…
Yeah i forgot to mention that, also, if you are particularly wealthy, or you just have a lot of time on your hands, and you are trying to make fire or ice arrows, go for fire, they have better stats, and are a lot easier to craft. Or of course you c…
Okay well i just looked at the system requirements of SOTNW and its just a little bit too big for my computer, and if i delete anything my brother will get pissed, so maybe one of these days i will get an external hard drive...
I am finding my current game is lacking in almost every way, since the main developer has gone and fucked up the whole game with this new version. I might try out Sword of the New World, but is the file really big, coz if it is then it probly cant f…
I'm thinking of trying out Flyff now because i got a new graphics card for my computer but I'm not sure how much space it takes on the hard drive, i havnt got much space to work with, so if its too big i cant play, anybody know how big it is?
News is running pretty slowly in endless these days. Most people have just began to realize that the new items arent as good as they thought they were, and prices are slowly dropping, and alot of people are just doing some hardcore training again. A…
The game that got me started on RPGs was................................. RuneScape............................................Oh god I am ashamed to admit it. But then i moved onto bigger and better things, Guild Wars, Silkroad, other things, and i…
There are quite alot of good games that are available to play that are free, but you just have to look around a bit. Games that i would suggest are silkroad online, arch loard, and if your into 2D games, endless online
Currently i play endless online, it is a very good 2D mmo. It has ok graphics, i find it more interesting than maple story, it has 5-6 classes, hundreds of weapons, heaps of armours, it is always being expanded, but the main down side is it that the…
Now that i have played version 28 for a little while and have learnt a little bit about the additions to it i can tell you all what has happened.
New Armors:
* Draco and Dracota (worth around 5mil at the moment)
* Tebar (The male version of t…
Thats right... the newest version that everyone has been waiting for has finally been released. My download is still in process so i can't really say much about its gameplay or any new features... i only know what i have read…
I don't think that I have told anyone yet... But I'm only able to play on weekends and fridays after school, so only try to contact me then. But if you wish to cantact me outside Endless my e-mail address is [email protected] (pretty corn…
Thats some good advice on the heaps of items thing, i never realized that they did that. Another thing to watch out is for people who want you to trust them in return for really good items such as tb, lens, hero. I have been scammed 3 times by this …
I haven't experienced anything like that before on endless. But the only other time was when i was trying to install Silkroad and i didn't have enough space on my hard disk and it always came up with that line. Try clearing some stuff from your comp…
wow u guys sound like real dedicated friends. but anyway. I am running a lil low on cash to tribute towards the cause, but as i said i have powerful friends and lightsonicx is quite a generous person if u know him well (like me), ill talk to him nex…
i am also thinking of returning to sro coz this game im playing is sort of getting boring. but sro always take like an hour to get into a server and then sometimes its so full that it laggs like crazy. but i reckon i will return and will need a lil …