Well I play a Feca, and I do not have any trouble soloing...
It's probably harder for a Iop, it's true, but it is all about the class you choose: some are better to solo than others, like in every game.
Well I do play Dofus as well, and I don't really think we are all Pokemon Fans...
There are some mature players as well. Dofus has a very young community due to the fact that it's free at the beginning (and you can play A LOT before actually havin…
Dofus & Dofus Arena are 2 different games:
- Dofus is more classical MMORPG where you create your character, do quests, levels and stuff.
- Dofus Arena is Tactical MMORPG: you create a coach, and then create a team (you can select …
Worst Graphics:
I've never seen anything that causes my eyes to bleed except Shadowbane... But it's old, so I vote for Knight Online.
Least Fun:
World of Warcraft (Sorry pals, but after a year of playing I do not find it fun anymore... always…