Online Only is pure STUPIDTY. This means any one in a rural area with spotty, limited, or no internet access can never play this game, ever.
Meanwhile it won't stop a single pirating for very long. Give them an extra day or two of work. While ai…
I love numerous facets of Wizard101. The card game style battle, the gorgeous animations, Pets, Housing, Gardening, and more. Its just an awesome game filled with generous players.
I sooooooo need a new computer. Im using an old 2 GHz single core with 1.5 gb of mixed Ram, 120 GB hard drive, and a Geforce 6200 graphic card , failing power supply, and a noisy hard drive. With old 16 in gigantic moniter.
I sooooooo need a new computer. Im using an old 2 GHz single core with 1.5 gb of mixed Ram, 120 GB hard drive, and a Geforce 6200 graphic card
var fctb_tool=null;
function FCTB_Init_6b53d6b83eb042978269da9dd0b06bba(t…
Unfortantly, more and more I find myself hating the hard core players. They get a new game, max out thier chracters in days, and then spam the forums complaining about no end content, nothing to do at high level, etc.
The end game is not the tru…
Its what first drew me to the game several years back when it was in beta. I like to try games that have unique styes or unique game play systems. Thats why I continue to play this game even to this day. Part 2 of this articles coming shortly.
Yea been giving this one a try this last week. Love the combo system and the unqiue and cute graphic style and unquie animations. Im more of a solo player though and the heavy dependency on groups was slightly annoying. On the plus side this do…
I am a huge fan of the A Tale in the Desert (ATITD) game. I have played in all 4 tellings to one degree or another. The large diversity of stuff to do, the community, and events. I sometimes spend 8 hours in a single day playing and while exahust…
Your type is: ESA. 10% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number w…