Welcome back!
Well, the classes havent changed TOO drastically over the years, the main archtypes will still be the same. If you are looking for main heals AND CC/support, i'd suggest a pac healer in midgard. Leveling is a breeze at the moment…
Because NCSOFT showed me with AION that they can make a very fluid, virtually bug-free game. Take that solid game and add in the amazing artwork/style/proposed mechanics and you have me way stoked to play GW2
Originally posted by kalimah To me it's more like Warhammer but not as sucky. I gave it an honest play and this game is totally not for me. I hope it works out for all the peeps that do like it tho!
I wonder... Do you lurk in all of the g…
Originally posted by theratmonkey I still can't get past lvl 5, honestly. I've just seen so many MMORPG's like this before, I can't even notice the main features, such as the class system.
I will probably skip this. I'm already having more fun on…
I find it strange that some people are complaining about certain aspects of the game not being "revolutionary" or "new" (such as what the previous poster said about combat). As far as i have seen, Rift has never tried to boast a new or revolutionary…
Very nice write up OP.
I am in pretty much the same exact boat. I hadnt heard of Rift until the day before Beta when old DAoC buddies texted me with a vip key, asking me to come join them. I also am pre-ordered now. Is the game revolutionary? …
"A few classes to 20 during this beta event aye? uh huh."
Yea, i just took a mage to 19 (pyro/storm/dom), rogue to 20 (marksman/assasin/ranger), and a warrior to 17 (didnt really enjoy him as much, thus i didnt even take him to 19 ).
Obviously i…
As a GM of our Guild, i had a good friend player report a suspected "botter" in our guild. The only problem was that the bot belonged to me I then proceeded to put on an act for over a month of telling him my "conversations" with this botter, and h…
I am sorry but i have no sympathy here.
Witch Elves ARE universal. That is why some of the best destro 8 mans run 1-2 WEs in their tank train. Because the DPS and utility is amazing, and with a healer, they ARE NOT squishy.
Im sorry, but i have to agree with the others. You cant base your opinions off of a handful of experiences in t1.
If you wanted to do the same, take our 3 man that we built for t1... Shadowwarrior, Archmage and Brightwizard... we were kite/extend…
"Worth Playing?"
YES! WAR is excellent. I have been playing MMOs for the past 6 -8 years, and this game still has me hooked.
I would suggest avoiding the whiners, and dont try to grind yourself to 40 or you will go mad in the process
lol, i can tell the original Poster is a WoW player. Not adding additional levels? wow.
Take a look at Dark Age of Camelot. The level cap has always been 50. Yet they have added enough content to keep people addicted for 6 years. Added conten…
1) No, you can put your weapon on your back... whether a caster, or a fighter class, staves, swords, shields, etc can be placed on your back when out of combat
2) Im not sure what you are getting at. The combat system is a time-delay system. not y…
If you havent tried already, i suggest posting on the VN boards. Much more activity, and you will have a greater chance at success! Hope everything goes well for ya!
"As you run around in any RvR area you will get the odd "load lag" when an enemy comes into your load bubble, which is larger than your clip range. "
aka : "Feel"
lol. DAoC