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I am an avid gamer. Board games, CCGs, non-CCGs, RPGS, MMORPGS, Console and the like.


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  • Interesting view of the game. My friends and I are working on finding all the ruins and such on this small map you talk about and it is a blast.  Exploration is fun because there is so much to see.  There is more to most areas than people think, …
  • I am a casual MMO player.  I don't like games that force me to spend hours playing to achieve some useless preset goal.  LoTR seems decently paced for those of us who aren't 'power gamers.' So far so good Turbine -- DON'T MESS IT UP!
  • If Turbine runs this like they do Ashron's Call, content wise, then there will always be things to do.  Turbine has been big on events, player ideas, and new content for years.  Things could have changed, but I think they have learned a great deal h…
  • Been keeping up with thier dev on thier forums and news letters.  This is definiatyl one of the games that has cought my eye. I don't think it will be a spectaculer new addition to the MMO scene, but it jsut looks very playable.
  • CD would be a blessing in PvP and PvE.  As stated, when your a caster and your casting a 2.5s spell and someone runs through you and you lose LoS its a major pain in the posterior.  The ability for your tanks to actually BLOCK enemy movement to defe…
  • I think the only thing I would like to see WoW implement is a PvP system that has meaning other than just rank and gear.  I think that DAoC had a great concempt with it's RvR and relics.  If you lost the 'Power' relic everyone in the realm was affec…
  • As sad as it is I would say Human.  They aren't over the top avatars and it's easier to relate to a human since I am one  
    in Poll Comment by bazaab May 2006
  • Getting to the battles is half the fun.  Nothing like hoping a half-track or hitching a ride on a passing tank to get you where you need to go.  I find that most people don't mind wating a few minutes for people to show up so they can take you to th…
  • Originally posted by maddogmikie yes thank you that interface option worked... it was the extra sidebar... and you should have told me to unlock to move a chat box. didnt know it worked that way. They have these things called FAQs that tell you how…
    in Help me... Comment by bazaab July 2005
  • Alll MMORPGS I have every played (Everquest, Ashrons Call, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft) all have the same lag issues with big battles. With the type of graphics we whine for there is just not a company willing to spend the money for the …
  • Make sure all your video and audio drivers are up to date would be the first thing I would do. If after this you still have issues your gonna wanna call EVE support. Good luck! Hope to see you in-game soon!
  • if you need anything remember the rookie channel, man it helps!
  • It does take sometime to get used to but I think you will find it avery rewarding game. The sheer scope of all there is to do, learn, explore, and see is astronomical...
  • Thank you two for the quick responses. Looks like I will be joining the economy Thanks again - - your information has helped immensly.
  • I have been MMORPGing for some time now and from my experience I would have to say that no matter the style game (PvE or PvP) politeness is something that should be observed.  Why should we stop being polite to one another just because we are pixila…