Originally posted by MadnessRealm
Originally posted by B1ight
There have been rampant rumors of GM's in alliances/clans abusing powers in game.. Today a thread surfaced about a player who was teleported by a GM where an enemy player was waitin…
Originally posted by Korhindi
Actually, the world ended in 1999; we just don't know it yet since we are still all in the Matrix.
2012 is the first scheduled Patch Day for the Matrix, and well, you all know how patch days go...
Go play ultima online its old but revamped graphics you might like it, aion just came out and so did fallen earth there both pretty good.Fallen earth has vehicles so i thought i should suggest this one.
To be honest I truly think this game could have competed with WoW. But we will never truly know becuase they decided to cancel what could have been a great game. Oh well time to log back into UO my golem is waiting.
Man im sick of this shit , how can a company not be able to run a god damn web page.
Free mmos have better launches then this, and thats pathetic.
They should've of just got a couple publishers and let them do a digital buy at least so there wou…
I don't know if i would like housing not instance it would take up too much space, and people would probably put houses in stupid places, but then agian would mke the game more interesting with neighborhoods. idk i'm just rambling now lol.
all you gotta do to fix that is go on the settings were it says key bindings and switch Q and E for A and D , this will make your char move like WoW. To me movement in a game is a big thing,so im glad to find a free mmo that finally has decent movem…
I remember playing this game a while back, They claimed they had 75 million subscribers, I liked the game at first but it started getting to grindy at the lack of skills it had the first 20 lvls just turned me away from it. But all in all give it a …