If you get a chance read the original stories, Del Rey books just put together a collection of much of Howards stories into two books. The stories are fast paced and intense, really good reads.
Read anything by Robert E Howard, he is the creator o…
Originally posted by hobbitofhell
Go to the EverQuest Fan Faire in Las Vegas and you'll get a general idea of the hard core fans.
Think comic book guy from the Simpsons.
Originally posted by Shazzel
I refuse to play another dumbed down carebear EQ clone marketed for the casual gamer. I think I speak for every pvp'r when i say "%^&* this game".
Someone left the monkey cage open again......CLOSE THAT DOOR!!!
Many gamers that steer clear of PvP would play one if it is done correctly. (myself included). This game looks very promising.
I was also part of the anarchy online beta test, and played for the first 8 months so I am still very skeptical about th…
Check the OP opening line, and you will find [GASP] "IM MY OPINION" so he did not state any facts.
The creator of D+D (Gary Gygax) has done numerous interviews were he credits many sources of inspiration for his creation. During the most recent in…
Originally posted by sugarrush
hey guys, that is incredibly good news.Trejan, how do I tell the dev's that I really love the ideas that they purposed? Open PvP is the lifeblood of Conan and I really want them to know how I support the idea.
You can…
I have shyed away from the books as well, as I expected what you mentioned above. Not sure I love the idea of other authors writing in someone else's world or using someone else's characters.
Robert Jordan wrote many Conan novels, they were good r…
Originally posted by jiveturkey12
ok from the looks of this game you arent a ship all the time your a actual person. Can you swashbuckle against enemy captians and such?
No links just answers please. thanks
ROFL!!!! Oh man thats funny stuff...…
Like the Lisa Simpson quote 82mch:
Lisa: What is 'zazz'?
Lady: Zing! Zork! Kapowza! Call it what you want, in any language it
spells mazuma in the bank!
Lisa: 'Zork'? What is 'zork'?
LOL!!! At work I hear "think outside the box" all th…
Originally posted by Edward78
Originally posted by Ragalorn
Wish they had an "auto-erase thread" everytime the word carebear is used.
Nevemind this guy, the truth shall be heard. Ya when I read that about the game, I lost intersest right away. I w…
Originally posted by gammoraz
Originally posted by Tinybina
I used to toss the "Carebear" term around all the time, but having played WOW and seeing people gank others 40 levels below them on a constant basis I have seen the light.. I will take AO'…