Originally posted by DrAtomic
From what i've seen myself (not so much) and what i've heard in game (a lot) the new free expansion New Frontiers will bring back the RvR focus (being able to level all the way up to lvl 50 by killing other players) …
I've played a lot of MMORPGs. I have left DAoC three times to go try others, but I always end up back. Here's why:
* DAoC always has a goal that has a reward. Getting to 50 just to be L50 is not a draw for me. Getting to 50 so I can take out …
I can agree with most of those beefs
If you look at it from the perspective of a person just getting started in DAoC, I can see why you'd say ToA adds more PvE before you get to RvR - and it sux. You don't do very well in RvR without ToA gear an…
Originally posted by Akunai
Are battles more localized? how are the choke points they talked about? is it still a zerg fest or is there stratedgy?
I have been in open beta and it is a HOOT! Love the new look, love the new keeps/towers and t…
Admriker, the only time PvP is forced on you is when you join the PvP server Mordred. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
As the game stands today you have to PvE to get to 50 then you can RvR …
Its in open beta now but they have not specified a release date. The current test version is 1.70V
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I have been spending some time testing and NF is a hell of a…