Originally posted by ganton
Sweet I havent been able to max anything out on my current rig for 2 years lol
I haven't played anything at max settings since waay back in the days of quake 2 or doom 2 (which was like back in 95ish)
for aion the major factor in whether I'll play or not is based on end game guilding/raiding (does it exist?)
for global agenda the thing that will matter most is whether it's a team fortress game like 35 vs 35 teams or if a completely open world (…
Well I've read posts about people saying the graphics look good on darkfall but I don't know so much, looks like they barely compete with everquest2 (which is a couple years old) or maybe the screenshots I saw were from someone with minimum settings…
Originally posted by stayontarget
Originally posted by Hazmal
Anyhow, I look at this game every 6 months so I don't get dissapointed. So I'm not following any classes, I'll just hop in and pick something random upon release.
{ Mod Edit …
well here's a good webpage that criticizes alienware (I hope I don't have any of these problems lol) http://www.badsoftware.com/alienwaresucks/2005_06_01_alienwaredefects_archive.html
yeah I didn't know until not long ago when someone corrected me on another thread I kept saying "no it's alienware not dell" and finally someone bluntly said "alienware is owned by dell" I was all "oh"
In response to Jbirdz
"Unless it's built by Alienware or some other Gaming Computercompany then pre-builts don't let you overclock. I have yet to own a pre-built that let me overclock through the bios. They usually just throw in th…
Originally posted by Cleffy
Why not use the Core i7 920 that costs $329 and overclock it to the same clock as the 940?
I guess because if you clock both cores by +50% then the 940 is still above the 920. if you only overclock one to the…
Originally posted by Cleffy
The system you linked to can play any game at maximum resolution and full settings at playable framerates.
I don't get it then if it can run the game at max "resolutions" and full settings at good playable framr…
Originally posted by Consensus
Yes, thats most peoples concern. it could be true BUT we don't know enough yet. it could be really large matches like 50 vs 50 or even more. there will be the equilivant of building guild cities. and its an ongoing…
well I do know a bit, I was referred to alienware.com so I just checkmarked the higher end pieces which made it pretty simple. I don't think you really need a degree in computer science or marketing to figure out that "more expensive" = "more exp…
oh and final fantasy xiii is comming to pc i wonder what the system req's are going to be for that, last time i tried to run a ps2 game on my pc (using emulator and a ps2 game i owned) my computer practically died so a ps3 game would take some kind …
i thought this was supposed to be the type of game with like 1000's of people playing together (like wow or something) if it's just another half-life game then what's all the hype for? Heck considering the classes of heavy assassin medic engineer i…
Originally posted by Bladin Come back when you aren't clueless.
less then 5% of the playerbase has multiple accounts less then .000001% of the playerbase has more then 2 accounts.
I hope those aren't actual results, by those numbers "..00000…
Originally posted by Eliago
re: Paladins, didn't play WoW did you?
no i only played wow for like 3 weeks, most of my experience is from Neverquest
judging from the aion video, i don't know if it was pvp or a npc controlled sorce…
Originally posted by Tyres100
If you have to ask that question with a build you posted then I can't help you.
i mean yea i know it's a good setup i'm dropping like 2500 into it but the people who run these games at like max settings have…