OG_Solareus said:
skeaser said:
OG_Solareus said:
The game died when Stand Stone Games was initiated into Daybreak Games LLC. As a life time subscriber, I made it to Mount Doom and saw the One ring destroyed.
People finally realized that New World was just a waste of time all along. Hype wears off and your eyes open. There is like a huge blob of about 2 million of MMO players that migrated from one MMO to another. The one's that are left 25k-35k are the …
Stizzled said:
What a pointless change. They exchanged one grind for another and found a way to make these items seem even less legendary. Lore wise, I don't see how a blank, statless item is some "legendary" thing from the past.
And T…
Blackboa said:
pratt12200 said:
Looks like another Asian grinder, i'll pass
As with every MMO, there is a grind. In this game though it won't be as bad as others since the gear progression system is not RNG based. …
It's actually a lie. The actual employees in Texas studio have no idea what this is about. Kotaku is Kotaku, but people eat a lie today, so why not publish it as truth because everything that stinks sells better than everything that smells like rose…
I thought bonemass was already too difficult in comparison to the other bosses. I hope they balanced that and didn't just make all the other bosses more difficult. Considering that some people play as duo, this change, hopefully, didn't make the bos…
Great Graphics, fun combat, the best life skill system out of any game on the market and the most horrendous grind in any game. I strongly recommend to stay ... away...
They re-released the game AGAIN. First, legendary servers, now this. Pay 2 Win is not even a question. This is the most P2W game on the market right now and the fact that they asking players to pay 3rd time to win, just shows that they think players…
You can fast travel by using the map from your camp. You can unlock it by spending about $580. First have to unlock the ledger, then you have to upgrade Dutch's tent for $230, then you can buy map upgrade for $350.
As far as getting to the map…
[quote]Originally posted by Anashel
Help us by inviting your friends join the Church of the Black Watchmen. A new pledge is aimed at the people who are not in this for the in-game items, but are ready to see change and to create a new genre altoge…
OP you are funny. Competition and boobs is one of the biggest selling tricks today in Asian/Korean games. I am also surprised that you tested the game in CB and expected anything else? Dont be naive. Move on.
Originally posted by bcbully Originally posted by botrytis Originally posted by Tierless
If it was an actual player election with controls and consaqences I would be a happy panda
No recent game has that. It would be too hard to control, …
Originally posted by Xandramas
another poorly made mmorpg with little immersion, boring combat. I wish companies would stop making shitty mmo's and stick to making single player games until they can invest in a good one. Free to play, as usual, is …
Originally posted by udon Originally posted by Eir_S Originally posted by Vannor Two words...
Not... ready.
One word... beta.
Your joking right? Please tell me your joking and you don't buy into that "open beta" crap. Even the…
Originally posted by Ginaz
To clarify, there is more than enough content to get you to 55. It just doesn't take very long to get there.
Why it supposed to take very long? I personally dont like to play one game for a very long time...
I want to puke when I think about AoW now. I've played a lot in Beta but the community and the concept of the game leaning very strongly towards pay to win destroyed any interest at all. This game is a lot about PvP. If you want to be competitive yo…