Sephros said:
"First and foremost, we take aim at Pre-Alpha 5. This is the major Pre-Alpha session before we move toward Alpha proper."
"The passing of Brad McQuaid in November was a tragic blow for us all. But, as Brad wanted, Pantheon…
when will we get a reaveal on racial bonuses
any chance of archai being summoners?
are you set on only allowing 2 arcamentals at once?(with the epic skill) ie future expansion skill being able to summon a third maybe temporairly ?
is s…
Geeky said:
Are you planning on having any type of persistent or even instanced player housing at launch? If not, why not?
they said houseing is unlikely at launch because they have so many other more important things to do and that they want…
Anthur said:
I've got one question or hundreds. So I will go with the one question for obvious reasons:
When will alpha start ?
The others I can then answer myself.
Alpha i think starts next year i am hopeing early next year as they have st…
Mackaveli44 said:
The most important question - Will there be any sort of Blood Mage style character from any of the healers similar to that of the Blood Mage from Vanguard?
tgere will be necromancers like eq i assume life drains plagues an…
Nightbringe1 said:
All summoner pets will advance with character level and summoned gear.
My question is, how will pets benefit as the summoner acquires better gear? Or will pets at a given level remain static, not advancing as the summ…
Darkintellec said:
2. Why are there two versions of the Summoner's 'Summon Creature' spell? Why would an Enchanter choose one of these creatures over say choosing any number of creatures in the vicinity, especially if they have a chance to …
KaliGold said:
"Combat in Pantheon is, and I’m pleased to report this, traditionally tab-target based." Your kidding right? This game wants us to pay for its development and now the combat is tab targeting. RIP...I wont be playing it
lil to late ever since the CATaclylsim my interest in this game has waned which is tobad they also promised us tons of sideclasses and paragons and what do they have now 3 maybe?
Originally posted by TheQuietGamer I've never played a game for years and I don't quite understand how people can. My longest run was probably wow and I played 4 months in vanilla and about another 4 in TBC.
SWTOR I have played very casually fo…
Originally posted by Soandsoso Stop the presses..a company wants to make money.
the bitch is they want to milk you dry by forceing them to pay and pay and pay till ft wo any buying is preety unlayable
Lots of games get away with far less c…
this sounds very interesting but im concerned its too pvp oriented and pay to win . some abosultely no pvp servers would be nice option.i just dont want some dbag that doesnt care pking me randomly thats way higher lvl
reallY? the so called terible charactor models is what you picked to dislike ? when oh i dont know lack of endgame stuff to do and the catsurday cataclysm happend.? oH AND DONT FORGET lack of paragon path choices only 4 classes to choose and so mu…
if i could make my own mmo reguardles of what it was id have hired gms in general chat when possible ad squads of non paid players who are flagged to pvp anyone but if they abuse it its taken away theyre supposed to pvp only spammers and bottter…