Originally posted by sven101
The fastest growing sector of the computer gaming market is Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO).
Honestly these days that ain't saying much... computer gaming market... It's dead. I don't think I've ever s…
Originally posted by Blurr
-My problem with this game is that 1 person can rambo it up and dominate the server too easily. I've done it, and I'd only say I'm decent at FPSs.
-When I got onto the server, there was 1 guy dominating the game just by…
Originally posted by Jackcolt
...everybody here thinks you're full of elitist zealous shit.
That's because we're on MMORPG.com. I'd say the millions of folks who built the FPS genre from the ground up with their disposable income would be …
I've just been tapped for jury duty again. This is the third time and I'm only 25. I know people in their 50's and 60's who have NEVER been bothered. Randomized my ass. Drivers license and veteran status is like a sign on your forehead that must…
It's important because there's a war on for dominance in style in the FPS genre. Traditional twitch vs. new-age tactical shit. Both will NOT get equal attention. Developers will shift the majority of their efforts back and forth between the two a…
I could literally write a book on this subject; over the years on various forums as I've watched anti-twitch FPS games become predominant, I likely already have. So I'm gonna be short. You've already gotten your fat grubby fingers into MMORPG's and…
Obviously you just aren't any good at tradtional FPS games and you're greatful that someone's finally pissing on tradition so you can be worth a god damn in an "FPS" game... which it really isn't anymore by the time they made it for you.
It's ski…
Not playing any because UO went soft and everything ever since has been monotonous garbage. I've been sustaining myself off of traditional twitch FPS games like FEAR and other classics like Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Fallout 2 for the past 9 y…
Why am I not surprised that on a website which features primarily games with dice-roll-click-on-combat that people don't respect the tradtional (read: PROPER) style of FPS gaming. Arcade-y? Skill-less? Please.
All I gotta say is no one is famou…
I'm inclined to believe QuakeWars will play nothing like any of the BattleField games for the simple fact that iD software knows FPS gaming and EA does not.
The BF games play like FPS For Dummies, like there's training wheels slapped on.
Lol- this is funny to me. While I agree with what the OP is saying, I hated everquest. I was a UO guy when UO came out... and that EverQuest was going to turn down the whole FFA PvP thing made me shun it as a game that TOOK AWAY freedoms, anti san…
Really? That's lame. MMORPG is too soft-core. Someone should make a new site meant for 18+ that pulls no punches and doesn't coddle people.
Oh- and one that actually stands up for MMORPG gamers and isn't just another cog in corporate sales pitc…
The guy that's playing Michael Myers this time is 6'10" so he's going to really tower over the rest of the cast and be super intimidating. I wish I was a kid again discovering the Halloween series so I'd be that much more scared.
My friend and I …
PlanetSide is craptastic. If you don't mind playing an FPS game for low-speed, anti-twitch gamers- go ahead. It has nothing to do with good old fashioned FPS gameplay- and that's the only kind of MMOFPS there should be. We've already seen that FP…
Could be appendicitis, or just a simple case of peritonitis- the membrane that lines your abdomen. If it hurts bad when you push your stomach out with your gut muscles it's the latter. If it hurts to push down on it it's appendicitis... and if nei…
I see a deleted post in this thread... did someone suggest the free hybrid UO shards? The ones that MMORPG.com doesn't like us to talk about?
Use google my friend.
My UFO story:
I saw a UFO for the first time about 2 years ago. I was driving home on a two lane highway at around 3:30 am. I was in the right lane and closing in on a slow moving SUV, so i moved into the left lane to pass... but then saw a …