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  • Hi I recently subscribed  to US server, since i'm not sure that the EU servers are still active and dont wanna waste subscription fee to find out Anyways having loads of fun even if i had to start over DAOC is still one of the most fun games …
    in New Player Comment by mvin June 2009
  • The endless grind for rep and items killed the fun for me also the endgame you have to use so such damn time... You can't really do anything fun without good gear.. The game is much too gear depended.. The game were fun for a short time until you fi…
  • I would like to see this game on the 360  I know that Marvels mmorpg will get on the 360, hope that will be good too  
  • 1.7 Centrino (laptop)  (is similar to 2.6ghz) 1024 mb ram 128 radeon 9700 Runs fine, only have abit of lagg inside IF.
  • On bloodhoof (eu) I waited 5 hours to get in... then i reset queue cause i thought it might been a bug... then i waited 2 hours more... So Bg is fun but not if the wait time is gonna stay like that
  • Deleted
  • Originally posted by Holburne Definately go Paladin, no.... Druid, ah wait... go for a Mage, .... or maybe... how about a Priest? No,.... then a Warrior would be good, unless of course you had considered Rogues.... Hmmm. All the classes are "prett…
    in class Comment by mvin May 2005
  • First of all the druid is one of the hardest classes to play you will have to use all your forms. Staff/2H mace pick what ever you like... Tho Staves tend to have more stats towards Int/spi and 2H maces have more Str stats.. The 1H mace makes u …
  • Originally posted by Arislan Hello friends after playing for 2 month I can write my first opinion/impression. To my person: 27 years old student at university in Germany. I am playing mmorpgs since 5 years. All games I played: UO,RYL,EQ2,Horizons,…
    in WoW my opinion Comment by mvin May 2005
  • Originally posted by Sorced WoW is a crap game. -cough-DIABLO2-cough-WARCRAFT-cough-   RePuTaTiOn ShItE! LOL!! Are you by any chance 8 years old, and your mamma won't let you play the game? aww so cute.. would wish people couldn't join forum…
    in WoW=shite Comment by mvin May 2005
  • Well Blizz have major issues... And i know everytime the game is down all ppl write in forum, but what good does it do..? I used to complain about it too, but its the "screw" with no end.. I would wish they got some competent ppl to run the Backoffi…
  • To -=CWC=-Joffy.   I agree
  • Originally posted by paravion you will see that the population is mostly made up of rogues, mages, and priests, while the druids, warlocks, and hunters are outnumbered.  I dunno what server you have been on, but its different on my server th…
  • Didn't you know that Blizzard are being run by monkeys with tiny little hats..?
    in Can't connect Comment by mvin April 2005
  • Well EU players seem more mature on my server too, all in guild are some old geezers, dont say i said so To get back to topic.. Should u come back? Hmm.. well this game imo is one of the best games out there's but you wont ever get rid of the t…
  • To kev1549, Then play on a Normal server, i do and the PVP plays a major role in the game too, tho u can feel free not to engage into pvp and you wont get ganked while questing etc.. With the soon to come Battlegrounds the PvP on normal servers…
    in Coh or WoW? Comment by mvin April 2005
  • Coming to a WoW community near you soonish  so sit down and drink a  while waiting.