I recently had the urge to play an MMO again and tried FFXIV, hated it - gameplay, art style... everything. I had a copy of WoW that I had bought a year ago, to my surprise I had WoD, and started playing again, fresh characters as I had previously p…
"Gold Spammers will kill this game"... if you did a search on this phrase it would appear for every MMO launched over the last 10 years. Only way to avoid it is for the game publisher to offer the it's own cash for gold service.
coretex666 said:
I remember 10-15 years ago, it was perfectly normal to purchase only finished products. I liked it and think I am gonna stick with that for now.
I remember 10-15 years ago when companies actually paid you to beta test t…
Xeno.phon said:
Space Engineers comes to mind, Also planet explorers, Kerbal Space Program
I've played KS…
Make the grind enjoyable so it's not a grind. Any game I start to play that isn't fun from the start I stop playing. I'm too old to screw around with 'the grind' so if you make it fun I will play, if not I will take my money elsewhere.
Wrath was the last one I enjoyed. I played through Cata not liking all the phasing and lasted about 5 mins with MoP before uninstalling it all. I haven't been back since. Not the type of MMO I enjoy anymore.
cesmode8 said:
Off topic, I really wish this game had a much smaller barrier to entry. Every time I have tried to pick it up and play beyond 10-20 hours, I then realize that the game is so immense, that so many people are so far beyond you...t…
Quality MMOs cost too much time and money to create and are not guaranteed to succeed. Although we want companies to make games we like they make those that sell, it's all about da money. We have to make do with pseudo MMOs, MOBAs, etc as I do not s…
I was actually thinking about EQN while not wanting to get out of bed and wondering if it was cancelled.
The problem with the NK connection is that you'd have to move there to play it as I believe only the high up military and politicians get the …
The problem with games like this is that it brings out all the mouth breathers. I've lost count of t\The number of times I've had to deal with people shooting me in spawn, rammed by my own team causing damage, people blocking me from shooting target…
I may buy F4 when I can get a good deal on g2a or greenman. I haven't played the previous versions so no little about the franchise. Probably play SWBF for a while anyway.