I'm guessing you played Mabinogi shortly after it first came out. With the release of the Iria continent they also did a major restructure of what things require payment. Like all cash shop games, advancement will be notably faster if you're willi…
For those announcing the current voices to be a game breaker, I'll point out that you *can* use the voice packs off of the other versions with minimal effort. I believe closed beta was using a stripped down version of the Korean voices.
Originally posted by Markn12
Comparing world size to other games well of course EQ is the standard despite what people think wow was not the first open world area game EQs landmass is way bigger then wow. It is small compared to these games b…
Originally posted by Kebeck
If both can use staff and shield is there a downside at using the "other" class weapon ?
If staff deals more damage and the cleric is supposed to fight at a distance anyway... Why would I go for a shield ?
Most …
Originally posted by matthewf978
Higher latency very likely is related to graphics rendering in the sense that the server is providing information about how and/or where to render objects on the client side. I specifically mentioned an imp…
Originally posted by Torik
Originally posted by johnspartan
It's hard enough to balance a limited number of classes, imagine balancing a set of skills with so many possible combinations... look what happened with SWG. Total balance fail.
50 ski…
Originally posted by Cephus404
There are times when sure, you're after a particular piece of loot that only drops from a particular place and the only way to get that loot is to grab a team and get it. When you're just out for XP, when you're ju…
Originally posted by HYPERI0N
Looks like a RF Online ripoff to me.
This was my first thought when I saw the trailer, at least as far as art direction goes. It obviously looks better, but you could drop those same creatures/base layouts ri…
Originally posted by Wingma
they try telling us that the asmodians aren't evil, but come on, wings like that and they are just 'misunderstood'? looks like they ripped a monster's head off and attached one side of it's face to one wing and the oth…
High heels have a noticeable effect on posture and walk (there's a reason people wear them). For video game makers though, this gives them a few options: Have no high heels in the game, have everyone in high heels, double the animation needed count…
Best source of information I've found so far:
omochikaeri.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/eco-starting-out-and-features/ (Includes a link to decent descriptions of all the character classes)
Short form appears to be that its worth a look if you liked R…
On top of the previously mentioned reasons, you forgot the abyssmal performance of the WAR engine. No matter what computer you have, it plays and looks horrid. The client isn't even capable of running for more than an hour on my computer without c…
I've been wanting a good, recent simulator lately, but I have to say that's one of the worse trailers I've ever seen. Testorone filled chest bucking? I'll pass.
I'll just have to hold out until something along the lines of a spiritual successor f…
Originally posted by Tiurinn
On the aspect of "experience". I think in the MMO-world it has shown that experience of making MMO's means absolutely nothing:
- SOE: This company has a long list of developed/published MMO's. With EverQuest I and II…
Exactly how does Aion look "Anime"? Its not drawn, not 2 dimensional, and the character designs certainly don't look anything like CLAMP's work. Maybe you're just complaining because a different section of the world has slightly different idea of …
This advice is based on a few major patches ago, so it may not be strictly accurate.
1) You will solo the first 20 levels. Very low new player population combined with multiple starting areas and only a day or so of grinding results in very steep…