Obviously I made a mistake even coming to this website. My apology's..
I thought you would be able ask a simple question without some jerk-off flaming you for it.
Later all
Grow the hell up!
After reading the url you posted. I guess there ISN'T any on-line games out there that dosesn't subscribe to the murder your fellow man mentality.
I had already looked at most those listed and they ALL have PVP in them.
Thanks Anyways
I wonder wh…
Well, SL was perfect for me as I have been a 3D model creator and scripter (Perl/PhP etc) for about the last 15 years of so.
What I DON'T care for in SL is it is "unplayable" alot of times due to database difficulties or some other problem. Its is …
What SL is:
Its exactly what you make of it.
What SL is not:
A single stated 'game',the place is huge, it has a 'RPG' district, a 'red light' district, a social district, gambling districts...name it, its got it someplace. Don't expect to see every…
I was in it for over a year (and spent 1000's) , when I first start it was possible to 'break even' and sometimes if lucky get a small global (like 2 or 300 Ped) but those days are gone now. The got so greedy its now spend, spend, spend with nothing…
Originally posted by Torschen
That is so BS. One must be a Archmaster of Stupidity skill if one is able to loose 100USD in 30min.
Have fun and go spend your money on it.. and spend..and spend.. and spend..
An never get crap back except grief.…
Originally posted by Zorvan
Because most people here don't see anything particularly inviting about a game you have to pump real life money into just to get anywhere?
/sarcastic hat on
But MindArk spins that you can make back REAL money in the …